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Income Tax : Explore 151 FAQs on Finance Bill 2025, covering tax provisions, IFSC benefits, TDS/TCS, transfer pricing, and more for informed fi...
Income Tax : Compare GST and Income Tax search and seizure processes, highlighting key differences in scope, authority, and taxpayer rights. Le...
Income Tax : Krishna, as in March the end of the financial year approaches, many people start thinking about how to save more tax. After all, a...
Income Tax : Understand eTDS return corrections, the six-year revision limit, and challenges in claiming TDS credit. Learn how tax adjustments ...
Income Tax : Explore our analysis on including Company Secretaries as Accountants under the Income-Tax Bill 2025. Benefits include improved com...
Income Tax : The Institute of Cost Accountants of India seeks inclusion of Cost Accountants in the definition of "Accountant" under Section 515...
Income Tax : Explore the Finance Bill 2025 highlights, including revised tax rates, TDS/TCS amendments, ULIP taxation, and updated rules for sa...
Income Tax : ICMAI addresses the non-inclusion of 'Cost Accountant' in the Income Tax Bill 2025. The Council is engaging with policymakers to e...
Income Tax : Lok Sabha issues corrigenda for the Income-tax Bill, 2025, correcting references, formatting, and legal citations. Read the key am...
Income Tax : KSCAA's representation to CBDT highlights challenges in the Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme 2024, focusing on delayed appeals and suggesti...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that that mens rea is not an essential condition for imposing penalties under civil acts. Penalty u/s. 270A of...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court held that passing of ex-parte order without affording a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the assessee is...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court held that reopening of assessment without fresh tangible material based upon mere change of opinion is unsustain...
Income Tax : Employment on compassionate grounds had been evolved to help dependents, of our employees who die or become totally and permanentl...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court directs tax authorities to review show-cause notices uploaded before 16 January 2024 and develop remedial measure...
Income Tax : Details of the Lok Sabha Select Committee's sittings on March 6-7, 2025, to examine the Income-Tax Bill, 2025, with oral evidence ...
Income Tax : CBDT updates income tax rules and forms for business and securitization trusts. Notification 17/2025 amends Rules 12CA & 12CC, imp...
Income Tax : Key updates on income tax deduction from salaries under Section 192 for FY 2024-25, including amendments, surcharge rates, and new...
Income Tax : CBDT extends the due date for filing Form 56F under Section 10AA(8) and 10A(5) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to March 31, 2025, for...
Income Tax : The Central Government notifies Punjab RERA for tax exemption under Section 10(46A) of the Income-tax Act, effective from the 2024...
Regarding the applicability of the provision of section 2(24)(iv) of the Act, we find that the same is discussed at length in the order of this Tribunal in the case of Ashok W. Phansalkar (supra) it is the finding of the Tribunal that the similar concessions offered to the Director attract such provisions. The facts of the said case are that the assessee-Director purchased a flat from the company for Rs. 10 lakhs against the market value of Rs. 3.85 crores.
On a query put by the Court, learned counsel for the assessee accepts if the recourse to Section 143(3) would have been barred by time, there would have been no restriction to initiate the re-assessment proceeding under Section 147 of the Act. We may add that there is nothing on the plain language of Section 143 of the Act which may suggest that the recourse to Section 147 can be had only when the period of limitation to complete assessment proceeding has expired or the Assessing Authority should wait for the expiry of the said period. The said argument is ridiculous and not acceptable.
In our opinion the Scheme of the Act does not authorize the Assessing Officer to make a disallowance according to his wishes, rather it provide that he should first point out the defects in the accounts of the assessee. In the finding extracted (Supra) it nowhere reveals what was the total amount of expenditure claimed by the assessee, which specific vouchers was not in accordance with law. In a just sweeping statement, the ld. AO observed that on verification, some of the expenses were found to be unverifiable, but what were those expenses, he should make out in the assessment order, only then he can disallow them. This is more important when in a row in the last 4-5 years, similar disallowances were made by him but deleted by the ld. CIT (A) as well as ITAT.
In yet another case of Shri Ramchandra D Keluskar in ITA No.668/PN/10, the Pune Bench of this Tribunal found that when there are no books of account, the question of its audit does not arise. Therefore, this Tribunal is of the considered opinion that when the books of account was not maintained and the penalty levied u/s 271A was deleted, this Tribunal is of the considered opinion that there is no justification for levying penalty u/s 271B of the Act for not getting the books of account audited.
Undoubtedly, the RBI Guidelines are Guidelines for the banks, issued for FEMA purposes. Clause 2.3 (supra) of these Guidelines refers to Regulation 10B (2) of the Foreign Exchange Management (Approval or Issue of Security By a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000. The very opening paragraph of these Guidelines (APB-III) shows that they are addressed to ‘Authorised Dealer (AD) Banks’.
Since the present case did not suffer from non-disclosure or omission to disclose ‘fully and truly’ the facts by the assessee, the Assessing Officer could not have been held, and was rightly not held by the learned Tribunal, to have had the jurisdiction to re-open the assessment and make assessment as in the present case.In the present case all the material facts, which were necessary for making a correct assessment, had been furnished, in the case at hand, to the Assessing Officer and when the Assessing Officer had failed to make correct assessment, the Revenue cannot blame the assessee and take recourse to the proviso to Section 147 for the purpose of re-opening the assessment.
Assessing Officer while making certain additions by restricting 90% of the receipts by applying clause (baa) of Explanation to sec. 80HHC has travelled beyond his jurisdiction and scope of enquiry as directed by the Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) because it was not the subject matter of remand proceedings. Since the Assessing Officer was lacking the jurisdiction in the remand proceedings to go into the issue other than directed to be re-examined, the Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), in the appeal proceedings against the order giving effect also has no jurisdiction to go into the said issue because under the provisions of sec. 251, the Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) can exercise his jurisdiction on the issue on which the Assessing Officer could have exercised but did not do so.
We have heard the rival contentions. and perused the material on record as no controverting material has been brought on record by the revenue as to why the deduction u/s.80-IC be denied to the assessee merely because the auditor in a report u/s.44AB in Col. deduction under Chapter VIIA has observed NIL. This being a technical non-disclosure appropriately was supported by the auditor by claiming deduction u/s.80-IC which he had certified therefore cannot be subjected to denial to the assessee being purely of technical nature. We may as a passing reference also mention that the case law cited regarding refund of excise duty was held in favour of the assessee by the jurisdictional High Court for deduction u/s.80-IC.
It is an admitted position that no notice under Section 143(2) had been issued while making assessment under Section 143(3) read with Section 147. The Apex Court in the case of National Thermal Power Co. Ltd. v. CIT [1998] 229 ITR 383 has held that the Tribunal has discretion to allow or not to allow a new ground to be raised. But in a case where the Tribunal is only required to consider the question of law arising from facts which are on record in the assessment proceedings, there is no reason why such a question should not be allowed to be raised when it is necessary to consider that question in order to correctly assess the tax liability of an assessee.
In case of Ashok Taksali (supra), the Rajasthan High Court came across a similar question. The Bench was of the opinion that once a salary income of the block year has been taxed and such tax has been deducted at source, there is no question of holding that the income of the assessee was undisclosed income of the block period. It was observed as under:-