Company Law India: Read latest Company law news & updates, acts, circular, notifications & articles issued by MCA amendment in companies Act 2013. Article on Loans Company formation XBRL, Schedule VI IFRS.
Company Law : Learn the ISIN issuance process, required documents, and compliance steps for dematerializing securities under the Companies Act, ...
Company Law : Understand purpose, filing requirements, due dates and penalties of Form MSME-1 for companies with outstanding dues to MSME suppli...
Company Law : The board approved the adoption of a new Memorandum & Articles of Association in compliance with the Companies Act, 2013, subject ...
Company Law : Learn about Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) model in India, its shareholder requirements, nominee shareholders and compliance obliga...
Company Law : Discover key challenges in sustainability reporting, including multiple frameworks, data complexity, and regulatory compliance. Le...
Company Law : Overview of NFRA's interaction series focusing on auditor-audit committee communications, covering deferred tax assets, liabilitie...
Company Law : Apply for Chairperson and Member positions at NFRA. Eligibility: 20-25 years of experience in accountancy, auditing, finance, or l...
Company Law : ICSI announces CS exam results for December 2024 session. Check pass percentages, top rankers, and next exam dates. Download marks...
Company Law : NFRA inspection of PwC firms (PWCA & PW& Co CA) reveals deficiencies in related party transaction verification and documentation, ...
Company Law : Government updates on share certificate claims: FIR condition removed for values up to Rs. 5 lakh. Companies must ensure authentic...
Company Law : When the corporate debtor failed to pay the outstanding power obligation, appellant subsequently cut off the electrical service. O...
Company Law : The plain reading of the above provisions of Section 60(5)(c) clearly indicates that the NCLT is empowered to adjudicate any quest...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi quashes CIRP against Alcuris Healthcare, ruling profit-sharing disputes do not constitute operational debt under IBC. ...
Company Law : NCLAT dismisses appeals in Saturn Ventures case, upholding RP’s findings on asset ownership and rejecting fraudulent transaction...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi held that Liquidator is jurisdictionally empowered to proceed with private sale of Corporate Debtor by adopting Swiss ...
Company Law : Tristar Transport India Pvt. Ltd. fined for delays in filing BEN-1 and BEN-2 under Section 90 of the Companies Act, 2013. Director...
Company Law : Tristar Transport (India) Pvt. Ltd. faces penalties for delayed compliance with Section 90 of the Companies Act, 2013, as per ROC ...
Company Law : Regional Director modifies CSR penalty for Clairvoyant India, waiving fines for directors, and reducing company penalty due to pro...
Company Law : Vatan Textiles Ltd.'s appeal against penalties for delayed annual return filing was rejected due to late submission. RoC Mumbai's ...
Company Law : Vatan Textiles' appeal against penalties for delayed financial statement filing was rejected by the Regional Director, Mumbai, due...
Explore the liability of a director under the Indian Companies Act 2013, covering offenses, duties, fines, and potential imprisonment. Understand scenarios like breach of fiduciary duty, ultra vires acts, negligence, and liability to third parties. Learn about the Limitation Act’s applicability to proceedings and appeals before the Tribunal or Appellate Tribunal, with varying limitation periods based on specific situations.
मिनिस्टरी ऑफ कॉर्पोरेट अफेयर्स के दिनांक २४ मार्च २०२३ के नोटिफ़िकेशन द्वारा ऑडिट ट्रेल के प्रावधान १.४.२०२३ से अनिवार्य कर दिये गए हैं । इस प्रावधान के महत्वपूर्ण बिन्दु इस तरह है : 1. यह उन सभी कंपनियों पर लागू है जो अपने अकाउंटस किसी अकाउंटिंग सॉफ्टवेर के जरिये करते हैं । 2. उन्हे यह […]
A Private Company have to follow the necessary steps to increase the authorized capital limit in order to issue more shares when existing authorised capital get exhausted.
SC ruling on whether rendering provisions of Section 140(5) of Companies Act, 2013 become nugatory on auditor resignation on non reporting of fraud
Section 212(6) contemplates that before a court decides to grant bail to an accused, public prosecutor must be given an opportunity to oppose bail application.
Challenge to constitutional validity of section 140(5) of Companies Act, 2013 fails and it is observed and held that section 140(5) is neither discriminatory, arbitrary and/or violative of Articles 14, 19(1)(g) of Constitution of India
Corporate Social Responsibility, which refers to a company’s voluntary initiatives to take responsibility for its impact on society and the environment. CSR is the way in which companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations and interactions with stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and the planet.
Discover the intricacies of Managerial Remuneration under the Companies Act, 2013. Learn about limits, approval processes, disclosures, and legal aspects. Demystify the complexities of compensating managerial personnel while maintaining regulatory compliance
Employee stock option plan ESOP is a contractual agreement that offers employees the right, but not the responsibility, to purchase or subscribe to a defined number of firm shares at a fixed price, such as the exercise price. There is no change in the exercise price if once decided even if future market prices increase.
Understand the applicability of Cost Audit and Maintenance of Cost Records in the Construction Industry. Learn about rules, coverage, turnover criteria, and the duties of companies for appointment of cost auditors. Explore different Construction Project Models like PPP, Real Estate Development, and EPC Contracting. Consequences of non-compliance and steps required for maintaining cost records. Expert insights shared by Guruprakash N. Bhambore, Secretary-The Bombay Commodity Association Ltd.