Design protection plays a crucial role within the product market, increasing the aggressiveness of the manufacturer of the merchandise, and enhancing the quality of social life. Therefore it’s necessary to safeguard styles to reward the designer’s ability and to encourage future contributions.
INTRODUCTION In this catastrophe of pandemic COVID-19, we’ve got seen the fast of labour in the workplace is currently speedily transiting into work from home. The staff has to be compelled to leave the workplace house and currently functioning from their own homes or distant areas. The question within the mind of many of the […]
INTRODUCTION Financial distress caused by mounting non-performing assets (NPAs), stressed assets, and extended litigation afflicted India’s banking sector prior to the introduction of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC). The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) tried numerous policies to help defaulting enterprises get out of trouble. The Sick Industrial Companies Act (SICA), the Companies […]
A cheque could be a medium of exchange that promotes cashless transactions in a degree economy. The utilization of cheques as a medium of exchange has exaggerated with time. Folks like better to offer cheques in transactions, rather than carrying currencies. Carrying currencies, particularly once the number is simply too giant, could be a risky business.
Banks and monetary establishments punctually registered with the bank of Asian countries give loan facilities to legal entities and people. within the event wherever the recipient fails to repay loan quantity or any half therefrom that additionally includes unpaid interests and different charges and/or debt becomes Non-Performing plus, banks, and monetary establishments will recover the […]
Each organization is begun with a dream to keep up its business continuously, but not all businesses square measure effective since quite an whereas past run. As we have a tendency to as of currently recognize, that there’s positive technique to consolidate a company, run a company, in like manner, there’s an exact system to […]
What Is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)? An ESOP is an employee benefit plan that gives workers ownership interest in the company that is floated by the Company to encourage the employee ownership in the Company. ESOPs give the Employer Company, the selling shareholder, and participants receive various benefits like tax benefits, making them […]
A Company can raise reserves through three methods: (1) Deposits (2) Loans (3) Capital. Under Companies Amendment Act 2017, Company can bring funds or Capital up in three different ways: (1) Private Placement/Preferential Allotment (2) Right Issue (3) Bonus Issue. Let’s discuss funds raising through preferential allotment under section 62 of Companies Act 2013. Introduction […]
Private placement can be explained as a means of raising capital by the companies without going for public issues. Public Issues like Initial Public Offering and Further Public Opening are means of raising capital by the companies. DEFINITION A private placement is a sale of stock shares or bonds to pre-selected investors and institutions rather than on the open […]
‘Right Issue’ means offering shares to existing members in proportion to their existing shareholding. The object is, of course, to ensure equitable distribution of Shares and the proportion of voting rights is not affected by issue of Fresh shares. A rights issue is an invitation to existing shareholders to purchase additional new shares in the company. This type of issue gives […]