The introduction of the Startup India initiative by the Government of India is a major milestone. It is a great opportunity for the generation of employment, wealth and promotion of indigenous industries. The main aim of Startup India is the development and innovation of products and services. It also seeks to increase the employment rate in India. […]
The new financial year (FY) 2022-23 (i.e., April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023) is finally here. Most of us leave our income-tax planning till the last minute. But it’s always better to start planning your taxes at the start of the year. Here’s a list of different tax provisions which would help in planning […]
Procedure to Incorporate a new company Step 1: Go for name approval Visit and create an account on the MCA website. Select the NEW APPLICATION option for name reservation. This Spice + Part A window shall be prompted for choosing and filling the given heads: Company’s type Company’s Class Company’s category Company’s Sub-category The primary […]
Procedure for introducing ESOP scheme and benefits of introducing ESOP scheme in Startups In recent years,startups have proven to be very successful in India. It has been observed that startups are budding at a rate of 10-12% per year. Startups to be successful must retain their hardworking employees and at the same time have to […]
Government of India’s Finance Act,2020 has amended the Income Tax Act,1962 by adding a subsection 1H under the section 206C of the latter. This pertains to the collection of TCS by the seller on the sale of any goods. This seems to take effect from 01.10.2020 pan India. This article briefs on the essence of […]
TOP REASONS WHY TRADEMARKS ARE IMPORTANT FOR STARTUPS AND SMALL BUSINESSES In the everyday life of a consumer, trademark strikes huge in mentoring their decision while choosing the products. Trademark symbol on the superscript of any brand name creates trust and cosy feel for brands, so customers can be easily attracted. Trademark logo, simply makes […]
What is Nidhi Company? Nidhi company is a company incorporated under Section 56 of Companies Act of 1956. It is a type of NBFC (Non-Banking Financial Company). The main motto of Nidhi company is to promote savings and thrift among its members. Nidhi company is most popular in South India and is more widely known […]
Of all the distinct companies out there in India, few companies work for the well-being of the society. Such companies do not make any profit out of the business. Those companies rely on the motto of charity/non-profit. Such entities are brought under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013. What is Section 8 company in India? […]
This article unwinds the features of the new tax structure,compares the new tax scheme v/s the old to provide you with relief from the dilemma. The tax regime to choose to pay the minimum tax will depend upon individuals and is purely based on income and investments made by the taxpayer.
Company Due Diligence meaning: Due diligence refers to an investigation or an audit performed usually before an acquisition, investment, business partnership or bank loan, etc, to check the compliance with financial, legal and environmental reports to validate the business. All such investigation and results of the audit will be summarized in a Due Diligence report. […]