U.S. Federal Reserve Governor Mr. Michelle W. Bowman, addressed Colorado, U.S.A., forum of economists during its 40th year celebrations and touched the economic outlook for U.S. Economy for the year 2021 which is reproduced below for meticulous study by serious students or academicians. https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bowman20210505a.htm To understand his address, it is advisable to go with the […]
While browsing the website of the prestigious Bank of England, I happened to come to the following interesting study on the U.K. economy published by the Bank based on its 12 agents’ discussions with at least 700 businesses across the UK for the first quarter of 2021. The heads covered were consumer demand, business, and […]
Like anyone interested in the basic accounting of e commerce entities, the newest babies to churn the accounting world, the recent guiding note on accounting by e commerce entities by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, popularly known as ICAI, is a welcome and timely move. Yes, I do care to give its website details […]
Today’s Economic Times carries a promising news on a group conducting online fantasy games in India and getting a fancy market valuation in international market. NITI Aayog got its publication titled “Guiding Principles for the Uniform National-level Regulation of Online Fantasy Sports Platforms in India” on its website and invited suggestions or views from all […]
Reserve Bank of India in its press release in various newspapers and in its website has informed us that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), vide public document ‘High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action’ dated February 25, 2021, has called on its members and other jurisdictions to refer to the statement on these […]
This vision document on Public Health Surveillance in India by 2035 was published by NITI Aayog in its website as under which has been a result of extensive collaboration with the Institute of Global Public Health at the University of Manitoba and the national and global experts who have helped to compile this vision document […]
Reserve Bank of India vide its statutory powers vested has issued the above directions which are applicable to all scheduled commercial banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks), Small finance banks, Payments banks and Credit card issuing NBFCs. They are reproduced from their website as under for those who intend referring to these complex technical directions. https://taxguru.in/rbi/master-direction-digital-payment-security-controls.html […]
I am not amused by the recent directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India vide its communication dated RBI/2020-21/87 CEPD.CO.PRD. Cir. No.01/13.01.013/2020-21 dated January 27, 2021, titled ‘RBI releases framework for strengthening the grievance redress mechanism in banks’ with the following objective. “It has been decided to put in place a comprehensive framework comprising […]
The Reserve Bank of India vide its publication dated 29th December 2020 placed in its website the Report on trend and progress of banking in India 2019-2020 in pursuance of provisions of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 as per details given below: https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Publications/PDFs/0RTP2020_F3D078985540A4179B62B7734C7B445C9.PDF Its 230 pages report is a treasure house of rare information on […]
The expected event since 2016 has happened. On 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom will leave the EU Single Market and Customs Union, and all EU policies. This was its choice. As a result, it will lose all the rights and benefits it had as an EU Member State, and will no longer be covered […]