‘Focus!’ shouted the teacher. Twenty pairs of eyes squinted even as their foreheads frowned, struggling to pay attention to a dull piece of historical information. Five minutes later, needless to say, some children were stifling their yawns, some doodling furtively on the chapter pages and some were having a hard time in keeping their eyes […]
A recent political propaganda is going viral and drawing glares across the country: ‘Under the ‘Nyay’ scheme, Nyuntam Ayay or Minimum Income of Rs. 6000 per month (Rs. 72000 annually) would be directly credited to the Below-Poverty-Line families resembling 20% of India’s poor families. Honestly speaking, on the basis of rational interpretation, the above statement […]
Files to be finalized, calls to be made, bills to be paid, clients to be dealt, banks to be checked…and so on goes the story. Every day. Yesterday was the same. Tomorrow will be another today. And today, yet another yesterday…the circle goes on.
Walking my way to home, I stopped by a Bamboo Seller, an old man clad in dhoti, sitting under the canopy of a Gulmohar tree. Cluster of bamboos lay at his feet. They were no ordinary bamboos. No, they were, as the sign board claimed, Chinese Bamboo. Chinese Bamboo? I asked the seller who smiled toothily and said, Yeah, they are stronger and taller than the local ones…they come once in a year.
Humming to myself, I sauntered my way through the bazaar with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. The day was bright, the sky was clear, the air cozily crisp, and, now as I come to think of it as I looked around, something was different, something definitely unusual…
We all know that seventeen taxes – Service tax, Sale Tax, Excise, Entry Tax, etc, – under Indirect Taxation will be replaced by a uniform levy called Goods and Service Tax.
I hurried inside the elevator of the Sale Tax Department among others and breathed in the usual fragrance of tobacco and paan plastered colourfully on the door.
Well, who in their wildest dreams would’ve thought that Swach Bharat Abhiyaan could even extend its broom to clean up money at such a macro-economic level?
Mr. Subodh, a businessman dealing in manufacturing of plastic bottles, was sitting in his chamber, his head bowed low over a booklet called ‘FAQ on Goods and Service Tax’ and looking thoroughly disappointed and twirling his moustache impatiently. The more he read, the more confused he seemed to get. Unable to take it anymore, he […]