"CA Onam aggarwal is the Managing Partner at ONE STOP CONSULTANTS AND SERVICES LLP. She is an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Earlier, She was associated with Deloitte India in Audit and Assurance division. She is an alumni of Shri Ram College of Commerce ranked as no. 1 college in India for commerce. She is a fierce debater and eloquent speaker has represented in ICAI in National Competitions.She has to her credit expertise in fields of Audit , Companies Act and its compliances and Business start up. She can be reached at onesc2019@gmail.com or www.consultantsonestop.com"
Chartered Accountancy from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
B.Com (Hons) from Shri Ram College of Commerce
Senior Secondary from Spring Dales
Job Experience
5 months in ONE STOP CONSULTANTS AND SERVICES LLP ( foreign consultation wing of M . Mittal and Co.)
2 years in M. Mittal and Co. ( established in 1982) a CA firm specialising in Income Tax, GST , Banking and Companies Act Compliances
3.5 years in Deloitte Haskins and Sells ( one of the BIG 4 in India) in Audit and Assurance division
1 year in Shubham Stock Broking Services Pvt. Ltd.
Latest Posts by Onam Aggarwal
May 16, 2020
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ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT ABHIYAN – TRANCHE II PM Modi on 13 May in his speech said the 4 pillars our economy are Land , Liquidity , Labour and Laws. After introducing a slew of measures on Tuesday,12 May 2020 to infuse liquidity into the economy through MSME and Discomms , next in line is Labour […]
May 5, 2020
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COVID spurs Manufacturing exodus from China: India ceases opportunity with EMC 2.0 Global turmoil and break with the past 27 April, 2020 may be a historic day for Wuhan, China, the epicentre for Global Coronavirus Pandemic to have discharged its last COVID-19 patient but things are utterly gloomy in rest of the world. United States, […]
March 17, 2020
In India, companies are taxed on their income according to their residential status. A company with residential status in India will be taxed on its global income whether earned in India or outside India whereas a non resident company will be taxed only on income received, accrued or arise in India.
March 13, 2020
The investment climate in India has improved considerably in the last five years. This is mainly attributed to ease in FDI norms across sectors of the economy. India, today is a part of the top 100 club on Ease of Doing Business (EoDB). India received the record FDI of $ 61.96 bn in 2017-18 which rose to to $64.375 billion […]