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Tanmay Mody

Latest Posts by Tanmay Mody

Supply of Capital Goods under GST: A Different Perspective

December 11, 2021 11730 Views 2 comments Print

At the outset, I would like to state that this article is purely based on my (liberal) interpretation of the CGST Act and CGST Rules. I would not like to go into the vires or the rationality of the provisions discussed herein. I will, however, try my best to provide my understanding of the possible […]

New GST Return Scheme for Small Taxpayers

November 14, 2020 53913 Views 1 comment Print

The Central Government is looking to overhaul the return filing system with a view to provide some relief to taxpayers with aggregate turnover under GST less than Rs. 5 crores. In this regard, it has released certain notifications to lay down a new scheme of return filing for such taxpayers. We have tried to summarise […]

Authority of Absurd Ruling: Vouchers Not Accepted!

April 10, 2020 2103 Views 0 comment Print

Taxability of gift vouchers / prepaid vouchers has always been a contentious issue in our country, where in fact the Supreme Court has also been referred to multiple times to clear the indirect tax position. Since these issues were raised under the different erstwhile indirect tax laws in the country, the GST Act was designed since inception to include and clarify the intention of the Revenue for taxing such transactions under the new single indirect taxation regime

OPTION to file GSTR-9 for Small Taxpayers

October 16, 2019 14982 Views 3 comments Print

The 37th GST Council Meeting held on 20th September 2019 introduced some much needed relief to certain industries. Along with that, the Council also sought to introduce some relief to small taxpayers by easing the compliance burden. One of the major reliefs was doing away with the requirement to file Annual Return in Form GSTR-9, […]

Authority for Adverse Rulings: Dis-counting discounts

April 2, 2019 2769 Views 0 comment Print

In the case under discussion, the Government is receiving the tax from the supplier on the undiscounted contract value. Hence, the ITC of this tax should be fully available to the recipient making further taxable supplies, in keeping up with the spirit of GST. If any part of this ITC is denied to him, it would unnecessarily increase the cost for the recipient, which shall be passed on in the supply chain and in turn, shall artificially increase the cost to the ultimate consumer.

Analysis of Changes in GSTR-9 vide Notification No. 74/2018–CT

January 9, 2019 11922 Views 0 comment Print

The Annual Return in Form GSTR-9 for the FY 2017-18 has been amended vide Notification No. 74/2018 – CT dated 31st December, 2018 to increase the scope and make certain consequential and necessary changes to the Form released earlier. A brief analysis has been done below for ease of comparison, the possible reasoning and implications […]

Government’s attempt to restrict your credit policy to 180 days under GST

September 18, 2018 19533 Views 0 comment Print

In case the customer fails to make the payment to the vendor within 180 days, he is liable to reverse the ITC on the respective inward supplies and this amount of reversal should be added to the output tax liability for the month in which such reversal becomes due.

GST on High Seas Sales

August 10, 2018 32049 Views 4 comments Print

Recent Ruling of AAR of Maharashtra in case of M/s. BASF India Ltd has discussed the applicability of GST on High Seas sales transactions and the reversal of ITC in case of such transactions. This article is a discussion on that ruling.

To “Deliver” or not to “Deliver”? – Section 10 of IGST Act, 2017

July 1, 2018 6807 Views 1 comment Print

One of the most frequently asked and discussed query under GST by clients and practitioners alike has been the tax implications in the case of scenarios where the billing and shipping addresses are different, or the customer and consignee are two different parties.

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