GENERAL UNDERSTANDING: As physical properties are transferred, the same way trademarks are also transferred. This transfer of trademark is called Assignment of trademark. In general terms, Assignment means transfer of title, rights, interest and benefits from one person to another person. Thus, Assignment of trademark means transfer of Owner’s title, rights, interest and benefits to […]
Reconciliation of Share Capital is understood as to tally the records of dematerialised and physically held securities with all the securities, on regular basis. In other words, it is reconciliation of total Share Capital held in DMAT form with NSDL & CDSL and in physical form by the shareholders with the total Capital admitted, issued and listed capital, if any.
Well-Known Trademark: India > GENERAL UNDERSTANDING Well-known trademarks are outcome of substantial and widely used mark. The usage, recognition, goodwill and reputation including others factors are the governing criteria for a mark to acquire the status of well-known trademark. A well-known trademark enjoys a special protection than a registered trademark. A mark becomes well-known trademark […]