"The author is a Practitioner under GST act and under earlier VAT acts of multiple states in the country. One of the authors for the book published in the name of “Simplifying Multi State VAT on Works Contracts” in 2015-16 & 2016-17, authored by 23 leading eminent CA’s & Advocates in the country AND Achromic Point Indirect Tax Award winner for Best Innovative GST Consultant of the year 2018-19. Intended readers may reach him at P.Jagadeeswaran, Partner, Laws Reward Solutions, GST/ VAT/ IT Practitioners & Consultants, Project Finance Management Consultants, No.33, Elango St., Chelliamman Nagar, Athipet, Ambattur, Chennai – 600058. Branch @ 21, A K T St, Near Asthabujaperumal Koil, Kancheepuram–631501. Mobile: 9840746721/9176038176, email: eswaran60@yahoo.com, eswaran1960@gmail.com"
PG in Commerce from Madras University in 1983 and been in employment for about 27 years and in practice for about 10 years
Job Experience
27 years in employment plus 10 years in full time practitioner in the areas of indirect taxes and project finance and SEZ management consultancy.
Job Skills
More specialized in handling of disputes under various states Works contracts related issues under VAT act. Experience in handling SEZ projects and project finance covering up 37 years of total experiance.
Latest Posts by P Jagadeeswaran
April 30, 2020
Meaning of Input Tax Credit (ITC); Section 2(63) of CGST Act, ITC means the credit of input tax and Section 2(62) of CGST Act, Input Tax means, in relation to registered person, tax charged on any supply of goods or services or both made to him and specifically includes, IGST paid on imports, RCM paid […]
April 18, 2020
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Article explains Appeal process under GST Act, How to avoid Appeal under GST, Facts about Appeals and Revisions under GST Act and ways to interpret different section of the act along with facts of your case to get the due justice at low cost and efforts and howto avoid the appeals under GST act. Introduction; […]
September 10, 2017
Since introduction of GST in July 2017, it has been a challenging task for the dealers, irrespective of the fact as the whether the dealer is migrated from earlier VAT registration or a new registered dealer under GST itself. N number of issues reported by dealers in regard to filing of returns in GST portal […]
October 28, 2015
Meaning of Works Contract in TN VAT: Sec 2(43) defines as Works Contract includes any agreement for carrying out for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration, building construction, manufacture, processing, fabrication, erection, installation, fitting out, improvement, modification, repair or commissioning of any movable or immovable property.