Share certificate being an instrument requires stamping as per the Indian Stamp Act. Stamp duty on share certificate is a state matter and delay in payment of stamp duty attracts penalty. Stamp duty is to be paid first at the time of incorporation on share certificate issued to the subscribers and thereafter on every further […]
Ministry of Corporate affairs vide LLP (Second Amendment) Rules, 2018 dated 18.09.2018 brought manifolds changes in the process of incorporating LLP. 1. New form RUN-LLP Reserve Unique Name-Limited Liability Partnership (RUN-LLP).Form 1 has been replaced with RUN-LLP, where application for reserving the name of LLP has to be made 2. New form FiLLip Now for […]
The Government has notified the GSTR-9C form for annual GST audit under which every taxpayer above Rs 2 crore turnover in a financial year would need to fill up a reconciliation statement and also obtain a certification of audit. The Government through the notification No. 49/ 2018 – Central tax has notified the format for GSTR-9C.
MCA notifies Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2018 to amend to amend the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 vide notification dated 19th September, 2018. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 19th September, 2018 G.S.R…(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 135 and sub-sections (1) […]
Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009, namely Limited Liability Partnership (Second Amendment) Rules, 2018.
1. Companies (Registration Offices And Fees) Third Amendment Rules, 2018– Fee For Filing DIR3-KYC MCA vide its notification dated July 05, 2018 issued Companies (Registration Offices And Fees) Third Amendment Rules, 2018 in order to amend its existing rules Companies (Registration Offices And Fees) Rules, 2014. These rules will came in to force w.e.f. July […]
As the continuous effort from the Ministry toward the more complied environment the latest step has come to weed out bogus directorships and updating its registry, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has decided to conduct KYC process for all directors, including those who have been disqualified, of all companies annually.
COMPANIES (REGISTRATION OFFICES AND FEES) THIRD AMENDMENT RULES, 2018– FEE FOR FILING DIR3-KYC MCA vide its notification dated July 05, 2018 issued Companies (Registration Offices And Fees) Third Amendment Rules, 2018 in order to amend its existing rules Companies (Registration Offices And Fees) Rules, 2014. These rules will came in to force w.e.f. July 10, […]
1. Compliance Calendar for SME & SME – ITP Listed Companies under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement) (Amendment) Regulations (LODR) QUARTERLY COMPLIANCE SR.NO REGULATION REFERENCE FREQUENCY PERIOD COVERED DATE BY WHICH TO BE FILED MODE OF FILING 1. 13(3) – Statement Grievance Redressal Mechanism Quarterly April-June, July- September, October-December, January-March 21st July, 21st October, […]
The Registrar of Companies across India have initiated the action as the stage two against the non working companies for striking off of all such companies (under Section 248(1) of the Companies Act, 2013. Public Notice in Form No. STK — 5, Pursuant to sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 248 of the Companies […]