"CA Rakesh Choudhary B.Sc F.C.M.A F.C.A
Practicing Chartered Accountant and Cost & Management Accountant
Public Leadership, Public Policy and Finance, Global Financial Governance and Global Policy Governance
Professional Areas of Audit, Financial Reporting, Corporate Governance, GST, Direct Tax, International Taxation, Company Law, Arbitration, Banking, Finance, Projects, Public Finance, Management Consulting etc. "
Fellow Chartered Accountant (F.C.A)
Fellow Cost and Management Accountant (F.C.M.A)
Bachelor in Science (B.Sc)
Job Experience
Practicing Chartered Accountant since 1991.
Job Skills
Practicing Chartered Accountant and Cost & Management Accountant
Public Leadership, Public Policy and Finance, Global Financial Governance and Global Policy Governance
Professional Areas of Audit, Financial Reporting, Corporate Governance, GST, Direct Tax, International Taxation, Company Law, Arbitration, Banking, Finance, Projects, Public Finance, Management Consulting etc.