Discover why paying taxes on time is crucial in India. Understand the consequences of late tax payment and the importance of tax compliance.
Applicability: Every registered person who causes movement of goods of consignment value exceeding fifty thousand rupees. (However the registered person or, as the case may be, the transporter may, at his option, generate and carry the e-way bill even if the value of the consignment is less than fifty thousand rupees).
GST is primarily a destination-based consumption tax though there are occasions where it can be origin-based or the place of origin and destination may be same. This, in simple terms, means that the tax collected on supply of services should accrue to the jurisdiction or State in which those services are consumed.
In simple terms, means that the tax collected on supply of goods should accrue to the jurisdiction or State in which those goods are consumed. Elaborate rules have been made for determining place of supply of goods based on the nature of supplies.
In the age of outsourcing, it is common to get certain operations done from another person. This latter person may carry out either a part of the process allowing its completion by another person or by the person sending the goods or may himself complete the goods. Such operations are called job work operations.