Everyone knows that Income from salary, rental income and business income is taxable under their respective heads. But what about income from sale or purchase of securities? Many stakeholders which includes homemakers, retired people, youth, working professionals spend their time gainfully buying and selling securities but are unsure of how this income is taxed. The […]
Amidst the recent global challenges and trade wars, many developing countries, including India, faced macro-economic issues due to weakness in their currencies. The Indian government has taken many steps to stabilize the volatility in the rupee by carrying out open market operations in the currency markets, boost exports, additional import duties, etc. India has also […]
The CBDT has released the final rules through notification (N No. 3497(E) on preparation and filing of Master file by the Constituent Entity of an International group. The brief of the rules as notified and the documentation requirements as needed for the filing are summarized below: