Worldwide, the micro and small enterprises (MSEs) have been accepted as the engine of economic growth and for promoting equitable development. The MSEs constitute over 90% of total enterprises in most of the economies and are credited with generating the highest rates of employment growth and account for a major share of industrial production and exports.
Communication is the procedure, which we use to exchange information by various methods and media is the medium or instrument of storing or communicating information. ‘Media’ the popular term inter-alia used as ‘Press’ denotes the print & electronic information carriers –the News Papers & Magazines, Radio, Television and currently includes Internet as new Media. Hailed as the ‘Fourth Estate’, media is the watchdog of the public affairs, informing the society and vice versa, acts as the forum to advocate the views of the society at large to those at the helm of public affairs.
A chartered accountant can play a vital role in the agricultural and rural development of our country. A chartered accountant is bestowed with highly appreciated qualities of integrity, technical excellence, knowledge, analytical skills and leadership with consistency of purpose. This professional initiative requires the help of Government by conducting awareness programmes on accounts, audit and […]
Cyber is a prefix used to describe a person, thing, or idea as part of the computer and information age. Taken from kybernetes, Greek word for steersman or governor, it was first used in cybernetics, a word coined by Norbert Wiener and his colleagues.
The Threat to the environment, posed by the global climate change is real. Human activities are increasing the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. All theoretical models predict that these increases in greenhouse gas concentrations will cause changes in climate, both regionally and globally — with adverse consequences likely for human health, as well as to ecological and socioeconomic systems.
Free Handbook covers the following Topics – 1. Introduction 2. Evolution and Growth of Charitable Organisations in India 3. Meaning of Charitable Organisation 4. Laws governing Charitable Organisations in India 5. Formation and Registration of the various forms of Charitable Organisations
Taxation of services in India has been a learning experience for not only the tax payers but also the tax administrators. The gradual expansion of the list of taxable services from an initial three to more than one hundred has posed its own challenges. The Finance Act, 2012 has started to change this all and usher in a new system of taxation of services; popularly known as the Negative List.
An informative handbook offering comprehensive information on real estate has been attached for your reference. The Book overs the following topics :- Overview of Real Estate laws of India, Rent Control Act, Property Tax, FDI guidelines for real estate, Income Tax, Service Tax, FEMA, Real Estate – Deeds/Agreements, Authorities and Organisations related to the Real Estate sector, Professional opportunities in Real Estate
Money is the root cause of many evils like corruption, black marketing, smuggling, drug trafficking, tax evasion etc. The more developed the nation, the more the standard of living of the people. People want more money to cater to their needs and at a point of time they don’t hesitate to have money from any source i.e. black or white money. This is the point where the concept of money laundering enters and then prospers.
Sufficient evidence exists to conclude that art and practice of accounting existed even in Vedic times. There are references to kraya (sale), Vanij (merchant), sulka (price) in Rigveda. Kautilya’s Arthashastra contains details on business of keeping up accounts in the office of accountants .It provides details of matters which should be recorded, registers to be maintained, system of examination of accounts and even details of punishments for default.