Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) means investment through capital instruments (equity shares, debentures, preference shares and share warrants) by a person resident outside India in an unlisted Indian company or in 10% or more of the post issue paid-up capital on a fully diluted basis of a listed Indian company. FDI under various sectors is permitted […]
The GST Council in its 31st meeting decided that a new GST return system will be initiated to facilitate taxpayers. Government introduced a transition plan for all the taxpayers under the goods and services tax switching to new simpler return Forms. In order to ease the transition to the new return system, a transition plan […]
One of the forms taxpayers need to keep track of is annual returns (GSTR-9) under Goods and Services Tax (GST) system. This form is required to be filed once every year by registered taxpayers such as businesses. The due date for filing GSTR-9 for FY 2019 is set as June 30, 2019. While the Government […]
India could review the goods and services tax (GST) structure to further prune the number of items in the highest slab of 28% as it attempts to stave off a slump in demand. Some states have favored a reduction in tax rates, worried that the slowdown may get entrenched, and have communicated their concern to […]
Discover the significance of AS – 9 and IND AS – 18 in accounting standards. Learn how these standards impact financial reporting globally.
India has always encouraged capital inflows as a part of the development policy. Deficient domestic capital and reduction in the current account compelled the government historically to go after foreign capital. Foreign capital is money obtained from foreign countries to make investment domestically. The major category is foreign investment including FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and […]
India and United States of America signed an inter- governmental agreement for exchange of country- by –country (CbC) reports on March 27, 2019. This enabled both the countries to exchange CbC reports filed by the ultimate parent organizations of multinationals in respect of jurisdictions, pertaining to the years commencing on or after January 1, 2016. […]
For any organization, one of the most crucial tasks is payroll processing with complications paving way as tax regulations as well as compliances. Also, incorrect computation of worker benefits can wreck the timing and accuracy of one’s payroll system. Payroll is a list of particulars of employees of the company including the amount they are […]
The government of India recently constituted a committee to enhance and create more opportunities by reshaping the existing rules and regulations. This is in relation to the Company Law for which SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) has come up with amendments providing a phased timeline from October 1, 2018 to April 1, 2020 for most of the impediments.