Every entrepreneur or a brand owner aims to attain brand recognition in the market and accordingly invests his time, money and energy to attain the same. During their journey, they often overlook the benefits of brand protection and fail to obtain a trademark registration. This mistake, in turn, becomes an opportunity for their competitors who […]
Trademark means any word, symbol, logo, slogan, product packaging or design that identifies the goods or services from a particular source and differentiates the same from other business brands. In the present day and age, with people becoming more and more aware about their intellectual property rights, it has become a daunting task to choose […]
Economies across the globe are under distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic and have brought more than 35% business organisations in India at the verge of its closure. To combat the ongoing circumstances many business organisations have planned to curb down their cost of operations by way of retrenching their employees. This strategy of retrenchment […]