AAR ruled that, supply of services to the Government or Government authority for annual operation and maintenance of capacity portable compactor and hook loader cannot be regarded as pure services and it is a composite supply of goods and services as it involves supply of goods like spare parts.
In re Shree Powertech (GST AAR West Bengal) Sub-contractor would not be eligible for GST concession rate as main contractor on shifting of electrical utilities The West Bengal Authority of Advance Ruling (“the WBAAR”) in Re: M/s Shree Powertech [WBAAR 17 of 2022 dated October 21, 2022] ruled that the subcontractors are not eligible for […]
SC held that Argument of promissory estoppel not valid in limiting erstwhile Area based exemption to upto 58% under GST
CESTAT held that Hotel accommodation service received by appellant is an eligible input service under Rule 2(l) of CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004
AAR Haryana held that Recoveries On Account Of Notice Pay, Bond Forfeiture, Canteen Charges, ID Cards Replacement As Well As The Liquidated Damages & Forfeiture Of Earnest Money and Security Deposit Not Taxable Under GST.
Whether or not refund of IGST on exported goods will be allowed in the present petition after deduction of the drawback duty?
Held that since the audit proceedings under Section 65 of the CGST Act was already commenced by the …., it is but appropriate that the proceedings should be taken to the logical end by the …., and the proceedings in
HC held that the filing of a reply to the show-cause notice in form GST-DRC-06 is not mandatory under Section 73(9), 74(9) and 76(3) of CGST Act and reply so filed through post shall also be treated as valid.
High Court dismissed the petition stating that the terms of e-auction provided that any dispute is arbitrable and the Appellant is virtually seeking the enforcement of a contract through a writ petition for raising a claim for refund.
SC directed adjudicating authority to complete penalty proceedings on remand, at the earliest preferably within a period of six months from the date of this judgment as the penalty proceedings were reported to be pending pursuant to the remand order passed by the CESTAT.