According to Sander Levin Retirement security is often compared to a three-legged stool supported by Social Security, employer-provided pension funds, and private savings. This may be true in some countries and/or some individuals, but in others, where the social security system is not as robust, or the pension fund and personal savings are not adequate, the stool might topple.
Psychology plays a part in whatever decision we make, including investment in stocks. Sometime our built in psychology is helpful and many a times it is not. When psychology is not helpful we call them psychology traps. Investment in stocks is also guided by few psychology traps which influences us in making bad investment choices and lose money.
We begin our each day with hope for bright future for self and family. We leave our homes for our jobs and other errands not knowing what situations can come up. Certain personal and social situations may or may not affect our families. But few bad financial situations affect us and our families severely.
In income tax parlance, individuals who are permanent residents of India are known as resident individuals. It is the duty of all such citizens to pay taxes on the income that they earn and file income tax return each year.
In this competitive world top talent is highly sought after. It gives the organizations that cutting edge. However recruiting alone is not an end to the process of building the organization, instead it is much more important to retain such talent in their ranks.
A financial meltdown, a depressed business environment, a sudden fall in share market prices- all these phenomena are a part of any economy. These phases affect all those who are closely linked to the stock market. Such happenings give rise to an environment where myths are born.
A disciplined approach towards building an investment portfolio is in itself a very good investment for the investor. Investors aim to achieve their financial goals through their investments and these goals vary widely across the investor community.
Ever seen a hurdle race? Noticed how the athlete concentrates on overcoming the hurdles? How they time their leap at the right moment to sail smoothly over them? For these people the barrier is just a physical obstacle and not a mental one.
Each and every investor would like to know when the right time to invest is. The ideal time for one to invest is obviously when the market is at a much lower level. So as to do the market timing, one needs to predict the market movements. Is it possible to predict in advance as […]
It’s a fact of life that, if you don’t follow this simple and very obvious money management code, you will never ever become rich. Don’t let the negligence to follow this, keep you from becoming rich. To become profitable and stay profitable, the bigger organizations always look at cost cutting methods. They cut a part […]