The new normal work from home (WFH) made us realize in these many months the importance of our daily helpers and our family members. The concept of exchange of work among family members went live apart from ludo and social settings.
Investment Declaration’s Dribs & Drabs in tax planning (Proof submission for Income Tax Purposes (Correct TDS on Salary Calculation) by Salaried Employee to His Employer) Almost all companies have intimated their employees to submit investment declarations or IT proofs for Financial Year 2019-20.This article states about how to conveniently climb ladder till ITR filling by […]
Infographics as the name suggests is very versatile tool, which helps to sail smoothly “The Sea” of our profession. Let us look at some of the ways. (1) Glare at glimpses Let us begin our journey with CA journal, the basic building designed with various themes on need basis. Not only in CA journal, but […]