Voting Rights of the Shareholders Introduction of Section 47 of the Companies Act, 2013 Every member of the company limited by shares holding equity share capital has right to vote in Company. Rights can be varied as per section 43(a) of the Companies Act, 2013; for private limited company section 47 is not applicable where […]
Introduction of Bonus Shares Bonus issue means offer of free additional shares to the existing shareholders. A company may decide to distribute further shares as an alternative to increase dividend payout. Bonus shares may be issued by company to restructure the company’s reserves. Issue of bonus shares will increase the company’s cash flow but the […]
Introduction of Private Placement: A Company shall go for issue of securities to fulfill their needs of funds for their business. Reason for issue is to have sufficient cash to run the operations and the day to day affairs of the company. For the companies in finance sector, achieving debt equity ratio also plays vital […]