National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) has instructed all listed companies to update details of their paid-up equity capital, including fully diluted shares, on the NEAPS portal. This follows SEBI’s 2018 directive on monitoring foreign investment limits in listed Indian companies. Despite prior requirements, companies have not consistently provided this data. As a one-time measure, all listed entities must update their paid-up equity capital and conversion ratio details, even if no convertible instruments are outstanding. Future changes must also be reflected promptly on the portal under NEAPS > Masters > Paid-up Equity Capital (Diluted Basis). Companies must ensure compliance with this directive.
National Stock Exchange of India
Circular Ref. No: NSE/CML/2025/08 Date: February 28, 2025
To All Members,
Sub: Updation of paid up equity capital on a fully diluted basis at Exchange portal
This is with reference to SEBI Circular No. IMD/FPIC/CIR/P/2018/61 dated April 05, 2018 on Monitoring of Foreign Investment Limits in Listed Indian Companies.
In this regard, the Listed Companies were required to intimate the Exchange about the paid-up equity capital and paid-up equity capital on a fully diluted basis (in the term of number of shares) along with the details of conversion ratio (as applicable).
However, it has been observed that Companies have not updated the above data on the NEAPS portal.
Therefore, all listed companies are advised to update their paid-up equity capital and paid-up equity capital on a fully diluted basis (in the term of number of shares) along with the details of conversion ratio (as applicable) on one time basis (even if there are no outstanding convertible instrument) on the NEAPS portal, in case not updated.
Thereafter, as and when there is any change in the above information, same also needs to be updated on the NEAPS portal.
The above mentioned details can be updated under the following path:
NEAPS > Masters > Paid up Equity capital (Diluted basis).
All listed entities are advised to take the necessary steps to be in compliance with the provisions of this Circular.
For and on behalf of
National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Manasi Sawant
Chief Manager