Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has issued Public Notice No. 39/2024-25, dated January 5, 2025, detailing the updated procedure for exporting certified organic products under the Foreign Trade Policy 2023. This notification supersedes earlier notices from 2014 and 2015. Organic products eligible for export must be produced, processed, packed, and labeled in compliance with the “National Programme for Organic Production” (NPOP) standards, as periodically updated on the APEDA website.
Exported products must be accompanied by a Transaction Certificate (TC) issued by a certification body accredited by the National Accreditation Body (NAB) under NPOP. These requirements aim to ensure consistent quality and authenticity of organic products in international trade. The updated NPOP (8th edition) will become effective 180 days from the date of this notice, allowing exporters and stakeholders time to align their practices with the revised guidelines.
This notification simplifies and updates the export procedure for certified organic products while maintaining stringent compliance requirements, thereby ensuring global recognition of Indian organic produce. For more information, refer to the detailed guidelines available on the APEDA website.
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Vanijya Bhawan, New Delhi
Public Notice No. 39/2024-25-DGFT | Dated:5th,January, 2025
Subject: Procedure for export of certified organic products.
F. No. 01/91/180/190/AM15/Export Cel. -In exercise of the powers conferred under para 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023 as amended time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby lays down the following procedure for export of certified organic products, in supersession of earlier Public Notice No. 73 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 18.11.2014 and Public Notice No. 10/2015-2020 dated 05.05.2015:
(i) “Organic Products” for export shall only be certified as such if Produced, Processed, Packed and labelled as per the standards laid down in the document “National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP)”, available on the website of APEDA as amended from time to time.
(ii) A product will be allowed to be exported as “Organic Product” only when accompanied by a Transaction Certificate (TC) issued by a Certification Body accredited by the National Accreditation Body (NAB) for Organic Products under the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) of the Department of Commerce.
(iii) The 8th edition of the NPOP shall come into force with effect from 180 days from the date of issuance of this notification.
2. Effect of this Public Notice: Procedure for export of Certified Organic Products has been notified. This supersedes the earlier Public Notice No. 73 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 18.11.2014 and Public Notice No. 10/2015-2020 dated 05.05.2015.
(Santosh Kumar Sarangi)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India
(Issued from F. No. 01/91/180/190/AM15/Export Cell)