International Financial Services Centres Authority
F.No. 11 0/IFSCA/Banking Regulation/2022-23/4 | Date: November 3, 2022
All Banking Units
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject : Notification of the IFSCA (Anti Money Laundering, Counter Terrorist-Financing and Know Your Customer) Guidelines, 2022
1. IBUs may please refer to section 6 of Module 1 (Activities of Banking units (ACBU)) of the Conduct of Business Directions v 4.0 of the IFSCA Banking Handbook.
2. It is hereby advised that the “guidelines” referred to in the said section shall mean the International Financial Services Centres Authority (Anti Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorist Financing and Know Your Customer) Guidelines, 2022 dated October 28,2022 ( “IFSCA KYC guidelines”) as published in the Official Gazette on November 1,2022 (I FSCA/2022-23/GN/G L001).
3. IBUs are directed to follow the IFSCA KYC guidelines with immediate effect. IBUs are also advised that guidelines/circulars of the domestic financial sector regulators on the issues covered by the IFSCA KYC guidelines shall cease to apply with immediate effect.
4. Copy of the guidelines may be accessed under the Legal > Guidelines section of IFSCA’s website (
Yours faithfully
(Raghuraman Kumar)