Order No. 36/2022 | Date: 28/10/2022 | No. MahaRERA/Secy/File No.27/467/2022
Sub: In the matter of hearing of complaints before the Authority.
Whereas, vide order No. 23/2021 dated 08/09/2021 bearing no. MahaRERA/Secy/File No. 27/189/2021, directions were issued that the hearing of complaints shall continue online through video conferencing.
And whereas, the complainants, chartered accountants, company secretaries, cost accountants, legal practitioners (parties), as the case may be, have to maintain proper decorum, discipline and proper dress code, as well as not to cause disturbance at/ during the hearing of the complaints before the Authority.
And whereas, it is noticed that, parties at times do not maintain the decorum, discipline, proper dress code as well as parties cause disturbance at/ during the hearing on account of not keeping the audio on mute.
In view of the above, the following directions are issued:
1. Parties at all times during the hearing, shall avoid speaking on phones having refreshment etc. shall maintain formal dress code and maintain proper decorum befitting the dignity as maintained in open court.
2. Parties shall act in dignified manner during the hearing and shall not disturb/ speak without being called upon to do so by the Authority.
3. Parties during the hearing shall keep their video on as recording of the hearing process is done to ensure the identity of the participants and keep the audio off which shall be turned on to address the Authority when called upon.
4. Parties shall join the hearing on time as per the slots and shall not cross talk or address each other.
5. The above directions shall be scrupulously followed failing which the Authority shall take necessary action as deemed fit and proper.
This order shall come into force with immediate effect.
(As approved by the Authority)
(Dr. Vasant Prabhu)
Secretary/ MahaRERA