International Financial Services Centres Authority
F.No.110/IFSCA/Banking Regulation/2022-23/2
July 13, 2022
All Banking Units
Dear Sir/Madam,
Additions to Conduct of Business (COB) directions of IFSCA Banking Handbook
IFSC Banking units (IBUs) are informed that a module on Global Administrative Office (GAO) (Module no.17) has been added to the Conduct of Business (COB) directions of the Banking Handbook. The updated COB directions v 4.0 is enclosed.
2. With effect from the date of this circular the applicable directions of the Banking Handbook are as follows :
i. General (GEN) directions v 3.0
ii. Conduct of Business (COB) directions v 4.0
iii. Prudential Directions (PRU) directions v 3.0
3. IBUs are directed to ensure compliance to the directions this circular.
Yours faithfully
(Raghuraman Kumar)
Head Banking