Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
Circular no.: PFRDA/2021/50/SUP-CRA/18| Dated: December 22, 2021
All stakeholders under NPS
Subject: NPS/APY Functionalities released by CRAs during Quarter II (FY 2021-22)
The Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) appointed by PFRDA develop system level functionalities as per the evolving needs of NPS/APY stakeholders in accordance with Section 21 of PFRDA Act 2013.
CRAs have the responsibility to develop new functionalities or utilities, establish new processes, offer multiple models of interface for the uploading offices in order to provide maximum flexibility in terms of operation for the benefit of the subscribers as an ongoing exercise to fulfil their obligations which ultimately benefit the Subscribers.
The functionalities which are developed and made available by CRAs (Refer Annexure I and II) during Quarter II of the current FY 2021-22 are categorized as under-
i. NPS Regular / eNPS
ii. NPS – Lite/ APY
The circular is placed in the intermediary section of CRA on PFRDA website, for the information of all NPS stake holders.
(K. Mohan Gandhi)
Chief General Manager
Annexure I – Functionalities released by NSDL CRA during Q2 of FY 2021-22
No. | Name of Development /Functionalities | Description |
NPS Regular/ eNPS | ||
1 | Virtual ID for D-Remit facility via mobile app |
2 | Razorpay as Payment Gateway Service Provider (PGSP) |
3 | NPS lumpsum withdrawal – Revision of threshold limit | PFRDA vide its amended exit regulations dated June 14, 2021 enhanced the threshold limit as follows,
Now the subscribers can opt for 100% lumpsum as under:
4 | Changes in the PFs scheme ratio |
5 | Subscribers enrolment Age increased up to 70 years | The prospective Subscribers under NPS can now enrol up to 70 years of age and contribute till 75 years. |
6 | Revamped and Simplified Subscriber Registration Form (SRF) | New SRF and relevant file format for Government Sector and Non-Government Sector rolled out as follows,
7 | NPS TTS to all CG employees | Tier II Tax Saver Scheme (TTS) extended to All Central Government employees who have joined employment prior to 01.01.2004 based on self-declaration. |
8 | Paperless registration through eNPS | Subscriber registration through eNPS is a completely paperless journey now through OTP Authentication/eSign. |
9 | NPS – Smart Exit Guide | Smart Exit Guide – a link has been enabled in the Subscribers login to view complete information on different types of exit and related guidelines. Link: |
10 | Dashboard reports to Nodal Offices. |
11 | Exit through Self Authorization for the benefit of e NPS Subscribers |
12 | Online paperless exit for UOS & Corporate sector |
13 | Ease of Partial withdrawal by self- declaration |
14 | Instant Bank Account Verification (Penny drop) |
15 | eNPS Government -To facilitate and ease the Subscriber Registration for Government subscribers |
Type=main |
16 | Updated Annuity Policy details in CRA system | As per PFRDA’s directive, ASPs are required to upload Annuity Policy details of Subscribers in CRA system as per the stipulated file format. Now Policy details upload file format has been modified with modified field & Validations etc. |
17 | Extension of age limit for NPS Contribution till 75 years | NPS Subscribers can now contribute till 75 years of age. |
18 | APY Upgrade/ Downgrade through Re fixation Model |
19 | APY enrolment – Update on UTs | Following changes have been carried out due to bifurcation of ‘Ladakh’ from ‘Jammu & Kashmir’ and merging of UTs – ‘Daman & Diu’ and ‘Dadra & Nagar Haveli’:
20 | eAPY – APY enrolment through eNPS platform by using Aadhaar XML |
Link: |
21 | APY –Lead Generation Module (LGM) |
Link: |
Annexure II – Functionalities released by KFin Technologies CRA
during Q2 of FY 2021-22
No. | Name of Development/ Functionalities | Description |
1 | Discontinuation of service of Axis Bank Ltd as UPI service provider in the eNPS | UPI option of Axis Bank has been discontinued due to expiry of its agreement term with NPS Trust. However, Bill Desk payment gateway is available for all modes of digital contributions including UPI. |
2 | Upfront Disclosure of Subscribers’ Charges in the Statement of Transaction (SoT) |
In line with the Sumit Bose Committee recommendations on making ‘upfront disclosure’ to the investors regarding costs and commissions, various NPS charges such as CRA charges, PF charges, Custodian charges, NPST charges and Investment Management Fee are included in subscriber’s SOT. |
3 | “Know Your PRAN” in eNPS | · In order to facilitate the Subscribers to retrieve their PRANs, “Know Your PRAN” option has been enabled in eNPS website.· User needs to enter PAN, Date of Birth and Captcha. OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number and email ID.· On successful authentication of OTP, PRAN and Subscriber name will be shown to the User. Link: |
4 | NPS withdrawal – Revision of threshold limit |
5 | Historical SOT report in DBF Format | Based on the Survey feedback received by Pops, the DBF format for Historical SOT report is enabled. It has been implemented in both Mail back report and Subscription report. |
6 | New Subscriber Registration Form in eNPS online registration journey | eNPS online registration journey is provided as per the new form. The following are the major changes carried out:
Link: |
7 | Modification in Subscriber Registration Print file format |
8 | PNB MetLife as ASP |
Link: |