A Bible for Listed Companies
♦ Background
♦ Amendments easing Compliance Burden
♦ Amendments enforcing Corporate Governance
♦ Amendments for symmetric info. dissemination
♦ Open Discussion: SEBI Proposed Changes
As a Compliance Officer/ PCS/ Consultant, one needs
to be well-versed with the Listing Regulations
Regulation 3: Applicability
In terms of Regulation 3, the provisions of Listing Regulations are applicable to entities that have listed any of their designated securities on the stock exchange.
New provision added:
Provisions of LODR applicable to the listed entities on the basis of market capitalization criteria shall continue to apply even if they fall below the specified thresholds in the subsequent periods.
Measures to ease Compliance Burden
Regulation 7(3)
Compliance Certificate from RTA and Compliance Officer with Demat facility:
CURRENT PROVISIONS | To be submitted within 1 month from the end of each half of the FY. [i.e., Twice in a FY] |
AMENDED PROVISIONS | Listed entities to submit the compliance certificate within 30 days from the end of financial year.
[Now, to be submitted, only Once at the end of FY] |
Submission of voting results – Reg. 44(3)
Submission of voting results – Reg. 44(3) | As per current provision, voting results are to be submitted within 48 hours from the conclusion of shareholder’s meeting. |
As per amended Reg 44(3) | WITHIN 2 WORKING DAYS from the conclusion of shareholder’s meeting |
Reg. 40(9): Submission of Certificate from PCS
CURRENT PROVISIONS | Submission of certificate from Practicing Company Secretary within 1 month from the end of each half of FY. |
AMENDED PROVISIONS | Listed entities to submit certificate from Practicing Company Secretary within 30 days from the end of FY. |
Reg: 27: Corporate Governance Report
Submission of Corporate Governance Report within 15 days from the end of each quarter. |
Listed entities to submit Corporate Governance Report within 21 days from the end of each quarter. |
Reg. 47: Advertisements in Newspapers
Listed entity to publish:
♦ Notice of meeting of the board of directors where financial results shall be discussed – Reg. 47(1)(a);
♦ Statements of Deviation(s) or Variation(s) under Reg. 32 (1) on quarterly basis – Reg. 47(1)(c)
Reg 31A: Reclassification of Promoters
STEP 3: Post- Reclassification Conditions- Applicable to Promoter(s) along with
“persons related to promoter(s)”.
i. Shall not hold more than 10% voting rights.
ii. Shall not exercise control over the affairs of such listed entity, directly or indirectly.
iii. Shall not have any special rights through formal / informal arrangements including shareholders agreements.
iv. Shall not be allowed to have any representation on the board of such listed entities (including nominee director)
New concept of persons related to promoter(s) has been introduced, which shall include persons falling under pt. (ii), (iii) and (iv) of the definition of “Promoter Group” i.e., in relation to outgoing promoter, broadly would inter alia include immediate relatives of such promoter, any company or firm in which such promoter or holds 20% or more capital of the capital or profits, as the case may be.
New exceptions added
- Promoter(s) and persons related to the promoter(s) seeking reclassification, together, do not hold more than 1% of the total voting rights in the listed entity;
- Where reclassification is pursuant to a divorce.
Applicability in case of Resolution Plan/ Court Orders
Not applicable if the reclassification is as per the resolution plan approved under section 31 of the Insolvency Code or pursuant to an order of a Regulator under any law.
Requirement of:
- Seeking shareholder’s approval and
- Disclosure w.r.t. receipt of request for reclassification from promoters and minutes of BM of considering such request,
Not applicable if the intent of erstwhile promoters to reclassify has been disclosed in the letter of offer or scheme of arrangement.
Requirement of minimum public shareholding under Reg. 38 not applicable in case of reclassification pursuant to an open offer.
Measures to enforce Corporate Governance
Regulation 15: Applicability of CG Norms
Reg. 17: Board of Directors
Amended Board Composition
Regulations/ Particulars | Headings | Extant Provision | Amended Regulation | Effective From |
Regulation 17(1)(a) | Woman Director | Woman Director | Woman Independent Director | By 1-Apr-20 (for Top 1000 Listed Cos.) |
Regulation 17(1)(c ) | Minimum Directors | Governed by Companies Act, No such Regulation in LODR | Min 6 Directors on Board | By 1-Apr-20 (for top 2000 cos.) |
Regulation 17(1B)- | Splitting of Chairperson & MD | Chairperson can be Executive or Non-Executive | Chairperson can be: # Non -executive Director #Not related to/ relative of MD/CEO | Proposed from 01-Apr22 (Applicable to Top 500 Listed Companies) |
Not applicable to the listed entities which do not have any identifiable promoters as per the shareholding pattern filed with stock exchanges. |
Cost of Non-Compliance
Amount of Fine | Base to check compliance | Frequency of Review of Non- Compliance |
Rs. 5000/- per day | Corporate Governance Report | Quarterly |
Practical Issues:
- Compliance done on 1 exchange;
- Lapse on account of Uncertain event;
- Falling in the List of top 1000/2000 at 1 exchange but not on other.
Board Inter-Lock
COMPANY A Ltd.-listed | COMPANY B Ltd.-listed |
Mr. X- Executive Director;
Mr. Y- Independent Director; Mrs. Z: Non- Executive, Non-Independent Director |
Mr. M- Executive Director;
Mr. X- Independent Director; Mrs. O: Non- Executive, Non- Independent Director |
Can Mr. M be appointed as a Director in A Ltd in the following capacity:
◊ Independent Director of A Ltd.?
◊ Executive Director in A Ltd.?
Obligations w.r.t. Independent Directors – Reg. 25(3)
CURRENT PROVISIONS | Independent directors to hold at least 1 meeting in a year. |
AMENDED PROVISIONS | Independent directors to hold at least 1 meeting in a ‘financial’ year. |
Reg. 21: Risk Management Committee
- Formulate a detailed risk management policy which shall include:
- Framework for identification of internal and external risks,
- Measures for risk mitigation,
- Business continuity plan.
- Ensure that appropriate methodology, processes and systems are in place to monitor and evaluate risks;
- Monitor and oversee implementation of the risk management policy;
- Periodically review the risk management policy, at least once in two years;
- Keep the BOD informed about the nature and content of its discussions, recommendations and actions to be taken;
- Appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of the Chief Risk Officer (if any) subject to review by the RMC.
- RMC to coordinate its activities with other committees, in instances where there is any overlap with activities of such committees, as per the framework laid down by the board of directors.
Reg 24: Corporate Governance
w.r.t. Subsidiary Companies
Reg. 24: Subsidiary Company
Disposing of shares by listed entity in its subsidiary – Reg. 24(5)
CURRENT PROVISIONS | Maximum reduction in shareholding of listed entity due to disposing of shares in material subsidiary: Not less 50% |
AMENDED PROVISIONS | Maximum reduction in shareholding of listed entity due to disposing of shares in material subsidiary: Not Less than or equal to 50% |
Business Responsibility Report
CURRENT PROVISIONS | Submission of Business Responsibility Report by top 1000 listed entities based on market capitalization |
♦ Material ESG risks and opportunities to be included.
Amendments relating to Symmetric Dissemination of Information
Regulation 29- Prior Intimations of Board Meeting
Prior intimation for Bonus Issue | Extant provision: | Amended provision: |
Reg. 30: Disclosure of Financial Results
CURRENT PROVISIONS | Disclosure of financial results within 30 minutes from the conclusion of the Board Meeting. |
AMENDED PROVISIONS | The financial results are to be disclosed within 30 minutes from end of the Board meeting for the day on which such Results have been considered. |
Reg. 43A: Dividend Distribution Policy
Reg. 46: Website (Additional disclosures)
he listed entity to upload the audio/ video recordings and the transcripts within:
- Audio/video calls → promptly available on website for minimum 5 years → within 24 hrs OR next trading day (whichever is earlier)
- Transcripts of such calls → within 5 working days from the conclusion of such calls.
Voluntary w.e.f. April 01, 2021;
Mandatory w.e.f. April 01, 2022.
Reg. 46: Website
√ If consolidated financial statement of a subsidiary is placed on the website of the listed entity; the requirement of preparing separate financial statement is now relaxed.
√ Secretarial compliance report as per Reg. 24A(2)
√ The policy for determination of materiality of events or information required under Reg. 30(4)(ii)
√ Contact details of KMP authorized for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and for the purpose of making disclosures to SEs as under Reg. 30(5)
√ Statements of deviation(s) or variation(s), Dividend Distribution Policy and Annual Return.
Regulation | Disclosure Pertaining to | Where to Disclose | Due Date |
Reg. 27(2): | Corporate Governance Report |
Within 21 days from the end of qtr |
Reg. 13(3): | Statement of Investors Complaints |
Within 21 days from the end of qtr |
Reg. 31(1)(b): | Shareholding Pattern |
Within 21 days from the end of qtr |
Update: 1. The listed entities are required to disclose the significant beneficial ownership (SBO) in the shareholding pattern;
2. Promoters & Promoter Group are to be shown separately in the SHP. 3. PAN based consolidation mandatory for Promoter as well as Public category. 4. No Physical transfers w.e.f., 01.04.2019. |
Reg. 76: SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 | Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report |
Within 30 days from the end of Qtr |
Regulation 33 read with Regulations 29 and 47: Financial Results | |||
Reg. 29(1): | Intimation of Board Meeting |
At least 5 Clear days in advance |
Reg 47(1): | Publication of notice of Board meeting |
Reg 33: | Declaration of Results | Stock Exchanges; PDF Results: within 30 minutes of conclusion of meeting Company’s Website; PDF as well as XBRL filing | Within 45 days from the end of quarter i.e., by August 14, 2019
XBRL: within 24 hours from uploading of Results in PDF. |
Reg 47(3): | Publication of Results in Prescribed Format | Same as above | Within 48 hours of conclusion of the Board Meeting |
Reg. 34 | Annual Report |
Within 1 day of sending it to the shareholders (w.e.f., FY ended March 31, 2019) |
Reg. 33 | Audited Financial Results
+ Audit Report + Statement of unmodified opinion/ Statement of Impact of Qualifications |
Within 60 Days from the end of Financial Year |
Note: Closure of Trading Window | Purpose of Closure: Declaration of financial results
Closing of Trading Window: From the end of every quarter i.e., from July 01, 2019 Opening of Trading Window: After 48 hours of declaration of financial results. |
Regulation | Fine |
Regulation 46
Non-compliance with norms pertaining to functional website |
Rs. 10,000 per instance |
Regulation 34
Non-submission of the Annual Report |
Rs. 2,000 per day |
Regulation 33
Non-submission of the financial results |
Rs. 5,000 per day |
ONLY This is the cost of Non- Compliance!?
That was only the
Action of FIRST RESORT !!
In Case of Continued Non- Compliance
Stock Exchanges have been granted the power to
→ Suspension in Trading of Securities
→ Freezing of Entire Promoter Shareholding
→ Dissemination of such information by stock exchange in Public Domain
→ Shifting securities to “Z” category- ‘Tade to Trade’ Category
→ Trading in shares of the Listed Entity is under ‘suspension and trade to trade basis’ and trading shall stop completely if the Listed Entity remains not compliant for six months
Consultation Paper on Regulatory framework of
Promoter & Promoter Group
I. Changing in the nature of ownership of Listed Entities
II. Increased focus on quality of Board and management
Consultation Paper on Regulatory Provisions
Related to Independent Directors
Current Provisions and Proposed Changes
(a) Eligibility Conditions for appointment as an Independent Director
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
A person who has been:
✓ Employee, ✓ KMP or ✓ His/her relatives have been KMPs Of the Listed entity, its holding/ subsidiary/ associate company cannot be appointed as IDs. |
A person who has been:
✓ Employee, ✓ KMP or ✓ Relative of such KMP Of the companies forming a part of the Promoter Group should also be excluded from acting as an ID. |
(b) Cooling off period for persons to be eligible for acting as an Independent Director
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
1. Cooling-off period of 3 years in case of Exemployees / KMP or relative of KMP of such company, its holding/ subsidiary/ associate company.
2. Cooling-off period of 2 years in case of a material pecuniary relationship between a person or his relative and the listed entity or its holding/ subsidiary/ associate company |
KMPs or employees of promoter group companies & their relatives, cannot be appointed as IDs in the company, unless there has been a cooling-off period of 3 years.
3 Years – Cooling off Period in case of a material pecuniary relationship |
Appointment and re-appointment process of Independent Directors
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
As per the current provisions, independent directors are:
➢ Recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, ➢ Appointed by the Board of Directors, ➢ And finally, confirmed by approval of majority of shareholders. |
Appointment/re-appointment to be subject to “dual approval” taken through a single voting process:
1. Approval of majority of all shareholders (ordinary resolution in case of appointment and special resolution in case of re-appointment), And 2. Approval of majority of minority shareholders. If either of the tests fails, the appointment/ re-appointment is rejected. In such case, the listed entity may: ➢ Propose a new candidate for appointment/re-appointment, or ➢ Propose the same candidate for second voting:
Prior approval of shareholders for appointment of Independent Directors
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
Companies appoint IDs as additional directors, subject to approval of shareholders in next general meeting |
Removal of Independent Directors
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
CA 13: An ID can be removed through: ➢ Ordinary resolution in the first term, and ➢ Special resolution in case of a second term, after giving reasonable opportunity of being heard. |
Removal of ID to be subject to “dual approval” taken through a single voting process:
1. Approval of majority of all shareholders, And 2. Approval of majority of minority shareholders. If either of the thresholds are not met, the removal is rejected. In such case, the listed entity may: ➢ Propose removal of such candidate through a second voting
Removal of Independent Directors
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
(a) Enhancing and bringing in more transparency in the role of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Proposed changes: to prescribe disclosures regarding the appointment process
Process for shortlisting of candidates:
1. For each appointment, NRC shall:
- evaluate the balance of skills, knowledge and experience on the board;
- On the basis on such evaluation, prepare description of roles and capabilities required for the particular appointment.
2. Proposed candidate should have the capabilities identified in this description.
3. For the purpose of identifying a suitable candidate, NRC may:
- Use services of external agencies,
- Consider candidates from a wide range of backgrounds, having due regard to diversity
- Consider time commitments of the appointees.
(a) Disclosures to be made to shareholders: Notice to shareholders for appointment of directors shall include:
- Skills and capabilities required for appointment and how the criteria is met by proposed candidate,
- Channels used for searching the proposed candidate.
(b) Modified Composition of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
➢ Non-Executive Directors with at least 50% to be IDs. | ➢ NRC to have at least 2/3 rd IDs. |
Composition of Audit Committee
Current Provisions | Proposed changes: |
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this document have been prepared based on the relevant provisions and as per the information existing at the time of the preparation. Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided, I assume no responsibility therefore. Users of this information are expected to refer to the relevant existing provisions of applicable Laws. The user of the information agrees that the information is not a professional advice and is subject to change without notice. I assume no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information.
(Submitted by CS Akanksha Aggarwal and for more details contact at
Mam, I have some queries that once these compliances become applicable on top 1000 companies then will it be remain same over the later years even if it falls below top 1000 companies.
Please comment and share your email id for such doubts. Thanks !
Very helpful for us
Thankyou so much.