21/10/2015- Attention Web Service users!!!
We have deployed secured web services framework in accordance with OASIS standards. Please refer the user manual (Secured Web service user manual) under the help section and do the necessary changes at your end to start consuming the same. Existing web services shall be discontinued w.e.f 1-Dec-2015.
Secure Web Services User Manual
The World Wide Web is increasingly being used for communication between applications. The programmatic interfaces made available over the Web for application-to-application communication are often referred to as Web services. There are many types of applications that can be considered Web services but interoperability between applications is enhanced mostly by the use of familiar technologies such as XML and HTTP. These technologies allow applications using differing languages and platforms to interface in a familiar way.
These web services are implemented based on OASIS standards. These web services stack supports WS-Security and WS-SecurityPolicy to configure the security handling. The header of the SOAP Request contains Username Token and Timestamp which are obtained from the Client. Username Token provides a standard way of representing a username and password pair with WS-Security. The credential is used to authorize the requester and the request.
The below elements in the SOAP request has to be signed using private key, X.509 certificate
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