Government of India
Boudhik Sampada Bhavan,
S.M. Road, Antop Hill,
Mumbai-400 037,
TMR/HO/Public Notice/2020/410
Dated: 09/01/2020
Public Notice
Subject: Guidelines for submission of Cash/Non-Cash documents at Trade Marks Registry
It has been brought to the notice of the under signed that the documents submitted at the counter of the Trade Marks Registry, Mumbai were not classified properly due to which the documents were not get scanned and digitized as required and also not able to properly distributed in the respective sections for necessary action.
Therefore, the following guidelines are issued for proper submission of documents. The documents which found not as per guidelines as below will NOT be accepted at the counter:
1. All applications, notices, statements, or other documents served, left or sent, at or to the Registry or with or to the Registrar shall be typewritten and printed in Hindi or in English in legible characters with deep permanent ink upon strong A-4 or legal size on one side only.
2. Covering Letter should clearly indicate in the name of the related section (e.g. Letter related to EDP/ Examination/ PRAS/ PARM/ TLA/ TOP/ Journal/ Renewal/ Post Registration, etc.) to which document is submitted, at the top, center of the document in bold and underlined format.
3. Subject of the Covering Letter should compulsorily indicate the document/ document type (e.g. Authorization letter, Reply to Examination, etc.) and the Reference number to the Application/Opposition/Rectification and be clearly visible.
4. Name of the filer with code and authority under which the same is filed, should be clearly indicated at the first page.
5. Bar Code should be affixed on the first page only and in the straight line at the top, right side of the document.
6. Personal documents (e.g. PAN card/Aadhar Card/Bank details, etc.) should NOT be submitted along with any documents (unless specifically asked for),
7. Authorization documents for attending hearing should be submitted well in advance before the hearing date.
(S. B. Palo)
Deputy Registrar of Trade Marks & GI
(Head of Office)