User – Manual – View /Actions on applications submitted under SVLDR Scheme,2019
Tax officer’s User manual for SVLDRS:
Step 1: There will be one member in each designated committee with Approval Permissions i.e. the officer will be able to issue SVLDRS 2/2B/3/4 . The Tax officer of the designated committee login with his SSO-ID and Password.
Step 2: The tax officer select the GST –icon from the list and clicks on the icon.
Step 3: The tax officer selects SVLDRS from the Menu i.e. Menu >> CE >> Task List >>SVLDRS .
Step 4: Under the stage Tab different options are available as per the tax officer’s task i.e. Pending to Issue SVLDRS 2/3, Adjournment-Pending to Issue PH Notice, Pending to Issue SVLDRS 3. The tax officer select Pending to issue SVLDRS 2/3.
Step 5: On clicking “Pending to issue SVLDRS 2 / 3 “ the tax officer will be shown list of all pending applications (Form-1). The tax officer clicks on the ARN no. of any pending application. The tax officer is able to sort the application by date, Amount , ARN No .
Step 6: On clicking on the ARN the tax officer will be able to see SVLDRS form-1 as submitted by the taxpayer.
Step 7 : Based on the tax selection and the tax officers observations , the tax officers can select SVLDRS-2 or SVLDRS-3.
(a) Issue SVLDRS 2 → The tax officer issue SVLDRS-2 in the following conditions :-
(a) If the taxpayer does not agree with the Auto-Calculated “ Tax dues less Tax Relief Amount”.
(b) If the tax officer doesn’t agree with the declaration made by the taxpayer in the SVLDRS Form-1.
(b) Otherwise, the tax officer can directly issue SVLDRS-3 form.
Step 8 : ISSUE SVLDRS-2 Form
- When the tax officer clicks on the Issue SVLDRS-2 Form, the tax officer will be able to see below screen. The tax officer can edit all fields except “Category “ and “ Issue Involved” columns values.
Caution : For the time being the tax officer are requested not to edit/change value of “Tax Relief” Column .
- The tax officer will has to fill Personal Hearing details e.g. Date, Time, Address & “ Place “ field before issuance of SVLDRS-2.
Caution : Kindly select the PH date within 10 days from the application received date.
- On clicking the preview button, the tax officer will be able to see the detailed filled by him/her. The same can be downloaded in .pdf format.
- On click on the “submit “ button, a confirmation box will appear if the tax officer confirms the same, then the SVLDRS-2 will be issued and the tax payer will get notified about the same by SMS/Email.
- To see the status of this application (SVLDRS 2 issued) Go to : Menu >> CE/ST >> SVLDRS >> View SVLDRS Scheme.
- Here the tax officer will be shown all the application and status of each application. The tax officer can filter results from “Status” Column .
Step 9: To Issue SVLDRS-2B
- When the taxpayer chose “Yes” to the question “ Do you want to seek an Adjournment of Personal Hearing offered to you” in SVLDRS-2A form submitted by him.
- These type of application comes under “ Adjourned – Pending to issue PH Notice” in Status Tab. The tax officer clicks on that.
- The tax officer will shown the list of application which are pending to issue PH Notice i.e. SVLDRS-2B form. The tax officer clicks on the ARN against which he/she wants to issue SVLDRS-2B.
- The tax officer will be shown the SVLDRS-2A as submitted by the taxpayer.
- The tax officer can view and download the supported documents submitted by the taxpayer. The tax officer can also view the preferred date of personal hearing as selected by the taxpayer.
- When the tax officer clicks on the “Issue SVLDRS 2B “ button then the below screen will be shown to the tax officer.
- The tax officer will has to fill Personal Hearing details e.g. Date, Time, Address & “ Place “ field before issuance of SVLDRS-2B.
- The tax officer can preview SVLDRS-2B form and can download the same in .pdf format.
- On click on the “submit “ button, a confirmation box will appear if the tax officer confirms the same, then the SVLDRS-2B will be issued and the tax payer will get notified about the same by SMS/Email.
Step 10 :
The tax officer issue SVLDRS-3 in the following conditions :-
1. If the taxpayer agrees with the Auto-Calculated “ Tax dues less Tax Relief Amount” in SVLDRS form-1 & the tax officer doesn’t find any discrepancy in the declaration made by the taxpayer in the SVLDRS Form-1.
2. The taxpayer waive his PH or doesn’t want adjournment of PH.
3. After the issuance of SVLDRS-2B.
- The tax officer can issue SVLDRS-3 Form from “Pending to issue SVLDRS2/3 “ or “Pending to issue SVLDRS-3” under Stage tab.
- The tax officer clicks on the Issue SVLDRS-3 , the following screen will be shown to the tax officer :
Caution : For the time being the tax officer are requested not to edit/change value of “Tax Relief” Column
- The tax officer can preview SVLDRS-3 form and can download the same in .pdf format.
- On click on the “submit “ button, a confirmation box will appear if the tax officer confirms the same, then the SVLDRS-3 will be issued and the tax payer will get notified about the same by SMS/Email.