Instruction No. 94
No D.12/19/2013 —SEZ
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
SEZ Division
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated 8th May, 2019
All Development Commissioners
Special Economic Zones
Subject: Uniform list of Services to be followed in Special Economic Zones- regarding.
I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter number D.12/25/2012-SEZ dated 16th September, 2013 followed by letters of even number dated 19th November, 2013. 19th June, 2014 and 09th July, 2014 vide which a list of 66 services which may be permitted by all UACs as default authorized services was conveyed.
2. The representations from stakeholders have been received in this Department for inclusion of “Management and Business Consultant Services” in the list of default authorized services. The matter was deliberated upon by the Board of Approval in its 85th meeting held and it was decided that “Management and Business Consultant Services” may be included in the list of default authorized services.
3. Such services would be limited to the extent of such value of services availed of/consumed by the SEZ entity only. Further, the unit shall produce evidence to the effect, to the satisfaction of the authorities concerned, that the said service was consumed in relation to their authorized operations only.
4. DCs/UACs may expand the above list to facilitate Units/Developers in their respective zones.
5. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Aditya Narayan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 23062496