First Invest and then Expense should be our Tag Line. It required to be kept or pasted at a place from where it always be flashed in front of our eyes.
The reason behind above is to just change our age old attitude or behavior of expending first and then investing balance if any. The truth or reality is we never have sufficient balance left to invest once we start expending.
Whatever may be your income you should first keep aside 20% part of it for your future investment. Then only start expending on your daily needs. Once you start keeping aside your part of income like this, the consistency in it is also equally important. Lack of consistency will lead you nowhere.
Take a sheet of paper and plan out. Start executing on it immediately. Keeping part of income aside, before start expending you will automatically able to control your expenses. Once you able to control your expenses it will be easier to you to achieve 20:80 ratio.
So for your better future don’t wait and take immediate action and commit yourself to 20:80 ratio. Convert “First invest and then expense” practice into your daily habit. Once it becomes your habit, keeping aside your small part of monthly income will turn into a bigger sum and which we called it as a wealth.
Let’s start together the practice of Investing First and then Expense.
Have a wonderful Investment year ahead !!
Very Good