Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice No. 1/2015 dated 20th April, 2015
Members of Trade
Export Promotion Councils
Subject : Prescribed visiting hours for non officials/ members of trade for meetings with officials at DGFT Headquarters.
It has been under consideration for some time that the meetings between the officers of this Directorate and the Members of Trade/public in respect of pending issues/ grievances etc. be made more fruitful and result oriented. To achieve this objective, it has been decided to streamline the procedure for interaction and in so far as DGFT Headquarters is concerned, visiting hours between 3 P.M. — 5 P.M. each working day would be earmarked for meetings with non officials/ Members of Trade.
2. While, visitors would be free to seek meetings with the officers of this Directorate, who are authorised to interact as per the extant instructions, axing the visiting hours, yet it would be more beneficial if prior appointment is fixed and the specific issues proposed to be discussed are spelt out in advance. This would enable the officers to prepare beforehand for the meeting and also inform the prospective visitors of their pre-occupation (if any) enabling alternative appointment. It is felt that the aforesaid measure would help in saving the time of the visitors who otherwise have to waste their time waiting for a particular officer when such an officer may be pre-occupied elsewhere or be on tour or on leave.
3. It is clarified that the aforesaid arrangement would be in place only for meetings with officers working in DGFT Headquarters.
(Varsha Snha)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Email :
Tele : 23061562 Extn. 238
(Issued from File No. 4/2/2015-Vig)