Attention trade and transporters! E-WAY BILL TO BECOME MANDATORY for inter-State movement of goods from 1st February, 2018 and System for the same to be ready by 16th January, 2018.
The nationwide e-way Bill system will be ready to be rolled out on a trial basis latest by 16th January, 2018. Trade and transporters can start using this system on a voluntary basis from 16th January, 2018 before it becomes compulsory.
The rules for implementation of nationwide e-way Bill system for inter-State movement of goods on a compulsory basis will be notified with effect from 1st February, 2018. This will bring uniformity across the States for seamless inter-State movement of goods.
While the system for both inter-State and intra-State e-way Bill generation will be ready by 16th January, 2018, the States may choose their own timings for implementation of e-way Bill for intra-State movement of goods on any date before 1st June, 2018.
There are certain States which are already having system of e-way Bill for intra-State as well as inter-State movement. Some of these States can adopt national e-way Bill system early for intra-State movement also.
In any case uniform system of e-way Bill for inter-State as well as intra-State movement will be implemented across the country by 1st June, 2018.