Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Direct Taxes)
North Block, New Delhi.
Date: 03.08.2017
ORDER No. 131 of 2017
With the approval of the Competent Authority, the designations of Members in the CBDT are, hereby, modified as under with immediate effect and until further orders:-
S.No. | Present Designation | Modified Designation |
1. | Member (Income Tax) | Member (Income Tax & Computerization) |
2. | Member (Legislation & Computerization) | Member (Legislation) |
3. | Member (Revenue) | Member (Revenue & Tax Payers Services) |
4. | Member (Personnel & Vigilance) | Member (Administration) |
5. | Member (Investigation) | Member (Investigation) |
6. | Member (Audit & Judicial) | Member (Audit & Judicial) |
(Brij Mohan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 011-2309 5474
Copy to:
1. All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Principal Directors General of Income Tax.
2. Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, New Delhi.
3. Zonal Accounts Officer, CBDT, O/o Principal CCIT (CCA) concerned.
4. PSs to FM / MOS (Revenue).
5. PPS to Secretary (Revenue)/ Addl. Secy. (Rev.)/ Chairman, CBDT/ Members, CBDT / JS (Admn.) CBDT / J.S.(Rev ).
6. Advisor to FM.
7. Hindi Section for Hindi version.
8. Secretary General, IRS Association/ ITGOA/ ITEF / All India Income Tax SC & ST Employees Welfare Association
9. Commissioner of Income Tax (Media & TP) and Official Spokesperson, CBDT.
10. Data Base Cell, CBDT for hosting this order on the Departmental site website.
(Brij Mohan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 011-2309-5474