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Sending Form 16, Form 16A and other Forms automatically saving human Time, Energy and Resources

How can we save Time, Energy and Resources? Simple, by using the Powerful Tool Microsoft Excel!!

How to send Form

Let us say you want to send Salary Slips to Employees on a monthly basis or Form 16 to Employees on a yearly basis or Form 16A to Deductees on a quarterly basis or any other Personnel specific attachment. Many Companies/Businesses send these Forms in hard copy by couriering it to the receiving Party which calls for the Courier cost and the company’s resources. Sending this via e-mail will save the courier cost and the company’s resources, but still there would be human time and energy involved. Let us look at a Procedure created in Microsoft Excel which can help you minimize the human time and energy by automating the process.

Let us say you have downloaded Form16A from the TDS CPC website and are ready to send it. (Note that Form 16A can be send via e-mail only if it is digitally signed. If it is signed manually then sending a hard copy is mandatory). I have attached herewith a Sample Automated Tool wherein you just need to put in the Deductee Name, PAN Number and E-mail ID alongwith few General Details viz Assessment Year, Quarter, Location of Form 16A and the Deductor details and all the Form 16A’s are sent just with a click of the Command button. Download the Excel Sheet “Sending Form 16A”  (attached herewith)  and follow the Instructions given in the Sheet. You can either change in the data to your Actual Data or test check the Tool with the example fed into it. For test checking the Sheet with the example fed into the Automated Tool, you also need to download the Zipped Folder “Form 16A”  (attached herewith)  and save it on your Desktop. Whether you are trying this Automated Tool with your own data or sample data, make sure you change the E-mail ID’s (belonging to you) so that you can assess the working of the Tool.


  1. Enable the Macros/Content, if it is not enabled.
  2. This automated tool has been created to work with Microsoft Outlook. However the same can be amended to work with any other Mail Utility that your Company/Business is using. (Ensure that your Microsoft Outlook is open)
  3. This tool is a sample tool which will work only for 3 examples. Put in the details of three Deductees and press the command button.
  4. This tool sends Attachments in PDF Form. Alternatively the tool can be amended to send Attachments in any format.

You checked the above and  it works!!. So now let us see how do you send Form 16 wherein you have two Attachments to be sent to each Employee. Part A is to be downloaded from the TDS CPC website and Part B is to be prepared by the Company/Business. Once you have downloaded Form16 from the TDS CPC website and are ready with Part B; which means you are ready to send Form 16 to Employees (Note that Form 16 can be send via e-mail only if it is digitally signed. If it is signed manually then sending a hard copy is mandatory), download the Sample Automated Tool “Sending Form 16” (attached herewith) wherein you just need to put in the Employee Name, PAN Number, E-mail ID and Employee Code alongwith few General Details viz Assessment Year, Quarter and the Deductor details and all the Form 16’s are sent just with a click of the Command button. Make sure that Part B prepared by your Company/Business is named in the manner as mentioned in the Instructions (If the Name of Part B is in any other Form, the Tool can be amended accordingly). It is pertinent to note that the difference between sending Form 16 and Form 16A is Form 16 has two Attachments in each mail (Part A and Part B) as against Form 16A which has only one Attachment. You can either change in the data to your Actual Data or test check the Tool with the example fed into it. For test checking the Sheet with the example fed into the tool, you also need to download the Zipped Folder “Form 16” (attached herewith) and save it on your Desktop. Whether you are trying this Automated Tool with your own data or sample data, make sure you change the E-mail ID’s (belonging to you) so that you can assess the working of the Tool.


  1. Enable the Macros/Content, if it is not enabled.
  2. This automated tool has been created to work with Microsoft Outlook. However the same can be alternatively amended to work with any other Mail Utility that your Company/Business is using. (Ensure that your Microsoft Outlook is open)
  3. This tool is a sample tool which will work only for 3 examples. Put in the details of three Employees and press the command button.
  4. This tool sends Attachments in PDF Form. Alternatively the tool can be amended to send Attachments in any format.

The due for sending Form 16 is May 31, 2014 and Form 16A is May 30, 2014.

For those who are unable to send the mail with the Attachment: 

When you unzip the Folder “Form 16A”, it is created as Form 16A/Form 16A/PDF Files. It is nothing but although the Folder looks Unzipped to you, the outer folder is the Zipped Folder which contains the Inner Unzipped Folder and which further contains the PDF files. This is the way Unzipping takes place in the newer version of Windows. This Utility cannot get into the Zipped file and hence the Attachment could not be sent.

What you need to do is to cut paste the Inner Folder and save it to your Desktop so that it finally reads as Form 16A/PDF files  and not Form 16A/Form 16A/PDF Files and then run the Utility. The mail will be sent with the relevant Attachment.

Or you can create a New Blank folder on your desktop and name is as you want and then copy/cut paste the PDF files into this folder and copy the Location Path of this folder into the Utility. It will work.

Or try using the Actual Data by putting your Actual TDS Certificates in a New Folder.

The only reason for the Attachment not being sent is the way in which the Unzipping of the folder takes place on your PC.

You can try sending once again!!   Enjoy sending the TDS Certificate!!


Further Update to Article on 03.06.2014

A Trial Version for sending Form 16A Q4 A. Y. 2014-15 with which you can send 200 mails can also be downloaded

Download Software to send Form 16A Q4 A.Y. 2014-15 by email

Attached Files :-

FORM 16   /  FORM 16A  /  Sending Form 16A / Sending Form 16

(CA Manita Verma E-mail: mannitaa@ymail.com)

Read Other Articles of CA Manita Verma


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  1. sanjib jena says:

    I have understood that digitally signed form-16 can be sent through e-mail only. In my company after several request and my insistence to provide the softcopy of digitally signed form-16 they are avoiding. Could please advise what actions I should initiate to get the soft copy of form 16 from my company. regards, sanjib jena 9818460563

    (Note that Form 16A can be send via e-mail only if it is digitally signed. If it is signed manually then sending a hard copy is mandatory).

  2. Jayachandra Naidu says:

    Dear Sir,
    Please update and share latest utility for AY 2015-16, Q1

    it was great work.

    Thanks & Regards
    Jayachandra Naidu

  3. Manita Verma says:

    Hi SomaShekhar,

    for Run time error 429, try using it on some other computer.

    The Utility is working and will send mails to any E-mail ID. The Pop up for 2 days left is just a Reminder for its expiry, you just need to click on OK and check your Outbox.

  4. Somashekhar says:

    Dear Manita,

    I have tried using the utility which you have provided.. I have filled all the relevant data which you have asked to fill in.. But at the end when I press Ctrl+h, or run macros, it flashes a message read as “Run time error 429″.. Please help on this error..


  5. Somashekhar says:

    The above does not work. I have tried number of times but the attachment is not going with the email. whenever i click on mail id it going to those mail which you have typer for sample not my entered mail.
    & not taking or considering any attachment.
    if pressed CTRL+H showing This utility expire on 15Jun2014 you have 2 days left.
    Please help to send mail if possible please send screen shot because i am using macros first time.


  6. shyamala poojary says:

    It wont’t work. I have tried number of times but the attachment is not going with the email. We are able to send only the email no attachment

  7. shyamala poojary says:

    this excel sheet does not work. I have tried number of times but the attachment is not going with the email. We are able to send only the email no attachment

  8. Vidhyut Jain says:

    Dear Ms. Manita,

    Really appreciate the hard work put for this… its really very useful…

    Look forward for such utilities from our own CA fraternity, who understands taxation as well as technology…


    CA. Vidhyut Jain


    Dear Sir

    I need your help to understand how this excel macro made. I need to use this for my other requirements, The macro in your file are hidden, Please help.

    My ID is : sharma_ca@hotmail.com
    Thank in advnace for the help.

  10. N. Rajendran says:

    Hi Mr. Manita Verma

    I am really wornder of working this Utility file..you are deserve for this..Can you please provide me the utility file for sending bulk Salary slips to morethan 100 employees in one shot..Please do the needful.


    N. Rajendran

  11. Amit Shah says:

    Thank You for this wonderful utility and that too at the correct time. I used it today for sending around 700 certificates and they were sent within 5 to 7 minutes. It saved me a hell lot of time. Thank you for coming up with this and also for a very professional approach from your end.

  12. Manita says:

    @ Essar AHmed, Sowmya, Mital, Jyoti, Vikas Gundecha, JayaChandra Naidu: This was the Sample Version of the Utility which you all tried as mentioned in the Article. I had purposely kept the Subject line, Content and Signature of the Utility less flexible in the Sample Version so that everyone can concentrate and understand the major benefit from the Utility i. e. the purpose of the Utility!!. These details are very much flexible and Yes, you can send the Attachments for several Assessment years and also mail any number of deductee records.

    And it can also be tailormade not only for sending Form 16A and Form 16 but any repetitive work of sending mails with Attachments for eg. Salary Slips, Salesman Sales Report etc. etc. etc.

    You can contact me on mannitaa@ymail.com

  13. Jayachandra Naidu says:

    Dear sir,

    it is great work, it is working only 1 to 3 attached mails. if we select maltiples i.e more than 4 it won’t wok.the mail has been sent but without attachement.

    please provide your suggestions or comments.

    Thanks & Regards
    Jayachandra Naidu

  14. Vikas Gundecha says:

    Hi Manita,
    This is excellent. This will save company cost to great extends. Great work!!!

    How to generate more than 3 emails

  15. Vikas Gundecha says:

    Hi Manita,
    This is excellent. This will save company cost to great extends. Great work!!!
    How to send email in bulk please suggest

  16. Jyoti says:


    Thanks for this utility, this will help us to a large extent.

    Request you to let us know can we change contents of the mail sent to Employees.

    Thanks again.

  17. MITAL says:

    I know this is sample file. But what if we want to send mail to 100-150 person? Pls provide file with full capacity or procedure to make such file.

  18. Sowmya says:

    There should have been a provision for altering the text content in the mail, so as to suit the requirements of individual users.

  19. Essar AHmed says:

    Thank You very much sir. It is a superb and time saving utility.

    But we can send the files for only one year i.e A.Y 2014-15

  20. Manita Verma says:

    For all those who are not able to send the Attachment:

    When you are unzipping the File Form 16/16A, on many computers, although you see the unzipped folder which is actually the Zipped Folder which contains the Unzipped Folder. The New version of Windows displays unzipping in this format and hence a folder in the format Form 16A/Form 16A (Form16/16) gets created i. e. folder within a folder which is nothing but the outer folder is the zipped folder and the inner folder being the unzipped folder. You have to cut the inner folder and paste it on your desktop for the Utility to work since the Utility cannot get into the Zipped file.

    Else what you can do is create a New Folder and name it as you want. Now cut the PDF TDS Certificate file and save it into this folder.

    It will work!!

  21. VENU says:

    Madam, When I was go to download download the Sample Automated Tool “Sending Form 16” it was not worked out. Kindly help



  22. Jigar Makwana says:

    Hi Manita Verma,

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful utility. It will really save the time and money But with regret i have to state that when i am trying to send the mail, it is not going. i filled all the necessary details but when i pressed cltr+h, mail is shown as not sent in outlook in outbox with a message mail has not been sent. pl fix the problem.
    Thanks in advance


  23. Manita Verma says:

    @ Payal and for all those who are not able to send the Attachment in the mail

    When you are unzipping the Form 16/16A folder, ensure that you get into the core of the Folder when you open it where you can see the PDF Files and now copy the Address Line of this Location and Paste it into the Excel Utility.

    If this does not work for you. One reason may be there are different ways in which the Unzipping is done. In such a case, create a New Folder, name it whatever you want to and copy and paste the unzipped files into this folder. Now copy the Address Line of this folder and Paste it into the Excel Sheet. It will work.

  24. Raj Kariya says:

    I used this application and when i pressed command button first, it although sent the mail but didn’t attach form 16A, at second instance i realised that you have to open the final folder wherein you can see PDF files and copy this location path from address bar and paste in utility and by doing this i could send the mails with the attachment.

    It’s an excellent utility given an option i would like to buy the utility.

  25. Aditya says:

    Hi Manita Verma,

    Thanks for the sharing this great info.. I Just checked its perfectly working.. I really appreciate your great work.

    Ca Aditya

  26. payal says:

    The above does not work. I have tried number of times but the attachment is not going with the email. We are able to send only the email no attachment

  27. Priya says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have tried using the utility which you have provided.. I have filled all the relevant data which you have asked to fill in.. But at the end when I press Ctrl+h, or run macros, it flashes a message read as “Run time error 429”.. Please help on this error..

  28. Manita Verma says:

    Thank You everyone for the overwhelming response!!

    Many have succeeded sending the mail with the Attachment!! but many of you trying the Tool are not able to send the Attachment. This may be because of the reason that you are not inserting the correct location of the Folder in which the Certificates are kept in Cell F5 in “Sending Form 16” or Cell F6 in “Sending Form 16A”. The current location mentioned in the file is “C:\Documents and Settings\manita.verma\Desktop\Form 16” in “Sending Form 16” and “C:\Documents and Settings\manita.verma\Desktop\FORM 16A” in “Sending Form 16A”. Please Note that the location will not contain the word “manita.verma” since it is saved on your Desktop. To change the location, open the folder which contains Form 16 or Form 16A and copy the Address Line. And Try again. Your mail will be sent with the Attachment!!

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