Phone No. 022-27243249/email id:
F. No. S/V-30/Misc-26/2015 CSD JNCH
Date: 02 .03.2017
Sub: Procedure for Scanning of DPD containers
In respect of scanning & examination for RMS facilitated containers (other than DPD). PUBLIC NOTICE No. 06/2017 dated 12.01 .2017 is in existence. It has been represented that procedure in respect of DPD containers needs to be similarly clarified. The following procedure is being prescribed for scanning of DPD containers.
1. Where DPD Containers are selected for scanning:
I. All selected DPD containers will generally be scanned at Mobile Scanner except for specific containers selected for fixed scanner. Containers found “Clean” will continue with out of charge process.
II. Where containers are found “Suspicious” on scanning,
a) Such containers will move to nominated/preferred CFS.
b) (CSD) will endorse suspicious stamp on the EIR copy and container will be examined as per the present norms by the Docks officer at nominated/preferred CFS.
c) The AC/DC Docks shall endorse on the hard copy of B/E-“OOC temporarily suspended for examination”.
d) After such examination, in case no discrepancy is found during examination, then the container should be released on the basis of OOC already given after writing remark on the hard copy of B/E “OOC already given in the system restored”.
e) However, in case of any discrepancies found during examination, then such report may be noted on the hard copy and document be sent to DC/EDI for cancellation of OOC and further necessary action by the concerned group.
2. Where the scanning list could not be generated:-
I. Upto 5% DPD containers will be selected by ADC (CSD), and only these containers need to be scanned as per procedure at 1 above.
II. All other containers covered in the same B/E are required to be either diverted to nominated/preferred CFS or the seals of these containers not to be cut/tampered with till examination of suspicious containers show no discrepancy.
III. If examination of suspicious container reveals mis-declaration, then all containers of that B/E, will have to be examined. In such a case, importer and his representative or CHA will ensure that seals in these containers are intact.
3. Where the containers are selected for scanning, but could not be scanned, due to non-functioning of mobile scanner:-
I. In such cases “NOT SCANNED” in mobile scanner rubber stamp is required to be endorsed on EIR Copy and containers should be brought to fixed/drive through scanner for scanning.
II. If scanned container is marked “suspicious” then the same will be moved to nominated/preferred CFS and be examined as per present norms and procedure at (1) above shall be followed.
III. In respect of other containers covered in the same B/E, the procedure as mentioned at (2) above shall apply.
4. Inconvenience faced in implementation of this Public Notice may be brought to the notice of this Office.
5. All concerned should ensure the compliance of this Public Notice.
(Shrawan Kumar)
Commissioner of Customs (NS-III)
JNCH, Nhava Sheva.
1. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-[II, JNCH for information.
2. The Pr. Commissioner of Customs,NS-I, JNCH
3. The Commissioner of Customs, NS-G/NS-I I/NS-I I I/NS-IV/NS-V/JNCH
4. All Additional/Joint Commissioner of Customs, JNCH
5. All Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Customs, JNCH
6. All Sections/Groups of NS-G,NS-I,NS-II/NS-III/NS-IV/NS-V, JNCH The Dy. Commr. EDI for uploading on the JNCH website