EOI for Appointment of Audit Firms for conducting internal audit of REC Power Distribution Company Limited for the Financial Year 2016-17
REC Power Distribution Company Limited
(A wholly owned subsidiary of REC, a ‘Navratna CPSE’
under the Ministry of Power, Govt of India)
Corporate office
1016-1023, Devika Tower, Nehru Place,
New Delhi-110019
Telefax: 011-44128768
Description of task, qualification required, Eol submission format and procedure is available on RECPDCL
website (www.recpdcl.in), REC website (www.recindia.com), Central Publication Portal
(www.eprocure.gov. in)
(S.C. Garg) Addl. C.E.O.
[This document is meant for the exclusive purpose of Audit against this Eol and shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for purposes other than that for which it is specifically issued]
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