Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Foreign Tax & Tax Research Division
Exchange of Information Cell, India
F. No. 500/044/2016-FT&TR-III Dated: 3rd October, 2016
All the Pr. CCsIT/DGsIT(Inv)
Sub: Requests for Exchange of Information from field officers in time barring cases-req
The undersigned is directed to state that large number of Exchange of Information (EOI) requests in time-barring assessment cases are received in FT &TR Division just before the time barring date. It becomes difficult to process and forward such requests after due scrutiny to the Foreign Competent Authority in time. Further, in many cases the EOI requests are not properly drafted/prepared and modification of these requests by the field officers is required.
2. As per Central Action Plan 2016-17, EOI request in time-barring cases should be made one month before the time barring date. You are therefore requested to direct officers concerned to send all EOI requests getting time barred on 31.10.2016 and 31.12.2016 to FT &TR Division latest by 15.10.2016 and 30.11.2016 respectively. In this manner, deficiencies, if any, can be removed and modified/revised E01 request can be sent to the Foreign Competent Authority in time.
3. This issues with the approval of Chairperson, CBDT.
4. Yours faithfully,
(Gaurav Sharma)
Under Secretary, FT&TR-III (1)