SMDRP/Policy/Cir- 47 /01
October 04, 2001
The Executive Director/President/Managing Director Of all the Stock Exchanges
Dear Sir/Madam,
SUB : Amendment to the Listing Agreement
The Accounting Standards Committee of SEBI has recommended certain amendments in the Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement. It has been decided to implement the following recommendations of the Committee:
1. Amendment to Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement – Quarterly un-audited financial results:
A. Alternative format for un-audited financial results:
The manufacturing and trading/service companies which have followed functional (secondary) classification of expenditure in the annual profit and loss account in their most recent annual report may furnish un-audited financial results on a quarterly basis in the alternative format enclosed at Annexure I.
B. Qualifications in Audit Reports:
Companies shall be required to disclose the audit qualifications along with the audited financial results published under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement in addition to the explanatory statement as to how audit qualifications in respect of the audited accounts of the previous accounting year have been addressed in the financial results.
The Exchanges are advised to incorporate the above amendments in the Clause 41 of the listing agreement immediately and also confirm the compliance.
2. Clarification regarding Segment Reporting :
The Accounting Standard- 17 on Segment Reporting issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is mandatory with effect from April 01, 2001 and clarification has been sought whether companies, whose accounting year has commenced before April 01, 2001 and to whom the Standard is not applicable for the current year, are required to disclose segmental information in respect of the previous quarters along with the un-audited financial results for the quarters ending on or after September 30, 2001.
It is clarified that::
1. in respect of all the companies including companies whose accounting year has commenced before April 01, 2001, segment information prescribed under Clause 41 shall be given for the quarters ending on or after September 30, 2001.
2. in respect of companies whose accounting year has commenced on or after April 01, 2001, cumulative segment information (i.e. year to date figures) for the current year in addition to the segment information for the current quarter shall be given beginning with the quarter ended September 30, 2001.
3. in respect of companies whose accounting year has commenced before April 01, 2001, cumulative segment information shall be given for the period commencing from July 01, 2001 (i.e. from July 01, 2001 to the end of the current quarter) in addition to the segment information for the current quarter.
The Exchanges are advised to take note of the above clarifications regarding disclosure of segment information prescribed under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement and ensure compliance by companies.
General Manager
Secondary Market Department
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