C.No.CCU(DZ)Admn/1242012,Dated : 18.02.2013
Sub : Grant of Commendation Certificate on the occasion of Central Excise Day, 2013 – regarding
On the occasion of Central Excise Day, 2013, it has been proposed to award Commendation Certificates to selected officers at an All India level from different grades who, by their innovative ideas/continued devotion and commitment to duty have contributed in promoting excellence in the fields of Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs administration.
The objective is to give due recognition to officers who may have contributed significantly in diverse areas such as training, law related work e.g. in Tribunal, Systems, personnel administration, Audit, CRCL, etc. which often remain unrecognized by way of formal awards. The Commendation Certificates are proposed to be distributed in the Central Excise Day function being organized at New Delhi on 25th Feb, 2013. Various Zones/Commissionerates may observe Central Excise day by organizing suitable functions etc. as is being done every year.
For this purpose nomination of deserving officers are called for from the respective Chief Commissioners/Director General. The proposal received will be screened by a committee of senior officers to make the final selection. Individual officers who consider themselves deserving for the commendation may apply to the respective Commissioners/controlling officer who may forward their application after duescrutinyto the concerned Chief Commissioner/Director General for further necessary action.
It is requested to give wide publicity to the above so as to encourage deserving officers in different grades i.e. Group A, B &C etc. to apply for grant of the Commendation Certificate. The proposal duly verified and with the recommendation of respective Chief Commissioners/DG’s may be sent so as to reach this office by 20th of February, 2013. The nomination should be made in the enclosed Proforma and sent by email: and as well as by fax(011-23370360)/speed post.
All proposals may be routed through the jurisdictional Chief Commissioners/Director Generals. It will not be possible for this office to entertain any proposal sent directly without the recommendation of concerned Chief Commissioner/Director General. In view of the short time available, proposals received after 20th February, 2013 shall not be considered.
Yours faithfully,
Chech attached for >> Proforma
(Kaushal Srivastava)
Chief Commissioner (DZ)
Copy forwarded for kind information to :
1. Spl. Secretary & Chairperson, CBEC, New Delhi
2. Spl. Secretary & Member (CX) & Computerisation/Budget/P&V/Service Tax/(L&J) & Customs, New Delhi.
Copy to :
1. Shri Atul Dikshit, ADG, Systems with a request to give wide publicity to the above on the departments website on priority basis.
Chief Commissioner (DZ)