No.President’s Sctt/BOS/GMCS/4/Dec’12 December 24, 2012
Dear Sir,
The Council at its Special Meeting held on 2nd February, 2011 considered the recommendation of the Board of Studies that the General Management and Communication Skills (GMCS) Course should be undergone by the articled assistants twice during the period of their articled training as under:
(a) GMCS-I (15 days) – during 1st year of articled training.
(b) GMCS-II(15 days) – after completion of 18 months of training but before completion of practical training.
Further, the students who have registered for articleship training on or after 1st May, 2012 are required to complete their GMCS-I Course during 1st year of practical training. The students completing GMCS-I Course, are required to undergo GMCS-II after completion of 18 months of practical training but before completion of practical training.
GMCS Course is a prerequisite for Membership enrolment of the Institute under regulation 51A/72A of The Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.
You may have observed that the students coming out of the Institute as CAs now-a-days are more confident in presentation and communication. The knowledge imparted through GMCS Courses transforms the students more confident and their competency in specialised areas can improve competitive intelligence to business in the global competitive environment. The Students having knowledge on these areas help an enterprise to increase and improve business in the global competitive environment.
Therefore, may I request you to encourage the articled trainee(s) working under your guidance to undergo the GMCS-I and later GMCS-II Course at an early date so that the students can complete these courses as per requirement and thus avoid any hardship on this account.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(CA. Jaydeep N. Shah)
President, ICAI