RPCD.No. RRB.RCB.BC. 83/03.07.033/2011-12
June 12, 2012
All State and Central Co-operative Banks /
Regional Rural Banks
Dear Sir
Strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits
Please refer to paragraphs 102 and 103 of the Monetary Policy Statement for the year 2012-13, announced on April 17, 2012 proposing certain measures for strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits.
2. In terms of our circulars RPCD. CO. RF. BC. No. 89/07.38.01/2008-09 dated February 18, 2009 and RPCD.CO.RRB.BC. No.108/03.05.33/2008-09 dated May 22, 2009 detailed instructions have been given to State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks on dealing with unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts. They have been advised to find the whereabouts of the customers and their legal heirs. These instructions, inter alia, include i) annual review of accounts in which there are no operations, ii) operations in such accounts to be allowed after due diligence, and iii) no charge to be levied for activation of inoperative accounts, etc.
3. Despite the above instructions, State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks have not been pro-active in tracing customers linked with unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts. Also, the need to identify the owners of these unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts is closely linked to KYC due diligence. Therefore, in terms of our circular RPCD.No.RRB. RCB.BC.58/03.05.033/2011-12 dated February 8, 2012 State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks were advised that they should display the list of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts which are inactive/ inoperative for ten years or more on their respective websites by June 30, 2012. The list so displayed on the websites must contain only the names of the account holder(s) and his/her address in respect of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts, etc.
4. On a review, with a view to further strengthen the regulatory framework for inoperative accounts and unclaimed deposits, State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks are advised to put in place a Board approved policy on classification of unclaimed deposits; grievance redressal mechanism for quick resolution of complaints; record keeping; and periodic review of such accounts.
5. The first periodic review of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts should be put up to their respective bank Boards by September 30, 2012.
Yours faithfully,
(C.D. Srinivasan)
Chief General Manager
state run banks have found a convenient way to deal with inoperative accounts. If the balance is less than Rs.1000/- apply service charges for not maintaining the min. balance(Rs.30+sc of Rs.4 total Rs. 34/ per month.) Over a period of a few months the a/c gets automatically closed. When a person enquirs about the balance in such an account there is a standard answer “it is done by the computer. We can’t do anything about it”
Rbi needs to lay down procedure to be followed by nominees and banks for CLaiming the money on the sad demise of depositors. Different bank are following different rules.
If rules are laid down, then deposiotor and nominee will be aware of requirements and put in claim accordingly.