Circular No. 54/2003-Cus
25th June, 2003
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Sub: Exports from Inland Container Depots (ICDs)-regarding.
Attention is invited to Customs Notification No.84/2003 dated 27.5.2003 . Through the said notification, the following notifications relating to various Export Promotion Schemes were amended:-
1. 30/97-CUSTOMS,dated the 1st April, 1997,
2. 31/97-CUSTOMS,dated the 1st April, 1997,
3. 34/97-CUSTOMS,dated the 7th April, 1997,
4. 36/97-CUSTOMS,dated the 11th April, 1997,
5. 77/98-CUSTOMS,dated the 16th October, 1988,
6. 48/99-CUSTOMS,dated the 29th April, 1999,
7. 48/00-CUSTOMS,dated the 25th April, 2000,
8. 50/00-CUSTOMS,dated the 27th April, 2000,
9. 51/00-CUSTOMS,dated the 27th April, 2000,
10. 43/02-CUSTOMS,dated the 19th April, 2002,
11. 45/02-CUSTOMS,dated the 22nd April, 2002,
12. 46/02-CUSTOMS,dated the 22nd April, 2002,
13. 47/02-CUSTOMS,dated the 22nd April, 2002,
14. 55/03-CUSTOMS,dated the 1st April, 2003 and
15. 56/03-CUSTOMS,dated the 1st April, 2003.
2. The amendments stipulated that in those cases where the goods are delivered for exports though any Inland Container Depot specified in those notifications, such exports would be permitted through the Sea-ports at Mumbai, Nhava Sheva, Kandla, Chennai or Kolkata.
3. Representations have, however, been received from the trade that the above mentioned stipulation is causing serious difficulties to the exporters who are exporting through ICDs.
4. The issue has been examined in the Board. It has been decided that in view of the problems being faced by the exporters, this stipulation should be removed. Accordingly, an amending Customs notification No.97/2003 dated 25.6.2003 has been issued whereby the provisos containing this stipulation in the various notifications introduced vide Customs notification no.84/2003 shall be omitted. Henceforth, the export goods received from Inland Container Depots shall be allowed to be shipped from any of the notified Sea-ports.
5. Suitable public notices for information of the Trade and standing orders for guidance of the staff may kindly be issued accordingly.
6. The receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.
S.S. Renjhen
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Telefax No. 23341079.