The ICAI is proud to acknowledge various professional achievements which its members in Entrepreneurship or Public Service have achieved during the course of their professional career or otherwise. In order to encourage and enhance their participation in the institute’s activities and to enhance the efficacy of ICAI work program by factoring their perspective and vision with the institute, the ICAI has constituted a new Committee for Members in Entrepreneurship & Public Services. The objective of the Committee is to associate members in entrepreneurship or public service, to have a constant interface with ICAI and to solicit their suggestions for restructuring the institute initiatives towards this niche segment of members.
While ICAI also send across along with the fee circular a data sheet to capture the profile of individual member, it is somehow seen that many a times such communications miss the attention of esteemed members and is not received back.
The announcement hereof is for the attention of not only such members in Entrepreneurship or in Public Services but membership in general as well so that while members in Entrepreneurship & Public Services update their profile as per the enclosed ‘Performa’, the other members can provide the details of such members whom they have come across through their dealing with such class of professionals.
Please mail the performa at