ITAT Kolkata held that imposition of penalty under section 271(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act justified as no plausible explanation was given by the assessee for non-compliance of notices served by AO.
The appellants had filed a refund claim with Assistant Commissioner of Customs (CRS), Visakhapatnam for Rs.5,03,984/- on 10.08.2023. The said refund claim was that the appellant had paid the Duty twice due to ‘ICEGATE error’.
Delhi High Court observed that once the DGFT had proceeded to issue the MEIS scrip to the writ petitioners, they would have been justified in assuming that the issue of classification was neither questioned nor doubted.
Join us on 8th Dec for a live webinar on GST and corporate guarantees. Learn valuation, co-guarantor liability, cross-border impacts, and practical examples.
CESTAT Ahmedabad rules that service tax cannot be demanded when tax liability is already settled under Reverse Charge Mechanism.
UP AAAR rules that cream made from 23% vegetable fat is classifiable under HSN 1517 90 90, attracting GST at 5%.
CESTAT Chennai held that insulin manufactured using r-DNA technology would qualify as a mono component insulin and hence benefit of exemption notification under Notification No. 12/2012 – Cus. dated 17.03.2012 available.
SC affirms the fundamental right to legal aid for accused, stresses prosecutors’ role in ensuring fair trials, and issues directions for legal aid lawyer appointments.
जानें 21 दिसंबर 2024 की GST काउंसिल बैठक में बीमा, साइकिल, पानी की बोतल, नोटबुक्स और महंगे जूतों व घड़ियों पर टैक्स बदलाव प्रस्ताव।
Since the Revenue has not brought anything on record to controvert the findings of Ld. CIT(A), we don’t find any reason to interfere with his order. The ground taken by the Revenue is dismissed.