Registrar of Companies, Andhra Pradesh, had imposed a penalty of Rs. 35,00,000 on the company and its directors. However, considering the circumstances surrounding the failure to appoint a Company Secretary, the Regional Director has reduced the penalty to Rs. 1,69,820 for the company and Rs. 69,820 each for the Managing Director and CFO (total aggregating to Rs.3,09,460/-).
EPFO, HEAD OFFICE MINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 14, BHIKAIJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI 110066 No: WSU/2022/195/Vigilance Matters/Multiple Rejections (E-53936) Date: 28.10.2022 To, All ACC-HQs Zones, All ACCs (Zones), All RPFCs & In Charge of Regions, All OICs of SROs Sub: Multiple rejections of same PF claims for different reasons of rejections-regarding […]
Lakhwinder Singh Panag Vs ITO (ITAT Chandigarh) A perusal of the record shows that in the quantum proceedings the explanation of the assessee that addition u/s 40A(3) on facts was not warranted, was rejected. The addition stood made. The issue was carried in appeal before the CIT(A) who also confirmed the addition by his order […]
Shivaji Bhimaji Gaikwad Vs ITO (ITAT Pune) No section 40A(3) disallowance for Cash payment for land as part of sale consideration which is incorporated in purchase deed Brief facts relating to the issue on hand are that the assessee is an individual and derives income from land deals and construction. The assessee filed return of […]
It is seen from the record that the assessee had filed various evidences in the form of affidavit etc. The learned CIT(A) has brushed aside those evidences without even verifying the veracity of such affidavit. Merely stating that the affidavit was procured subsequent to marriage, in my considered view is not justified.
M. Prabaharan Vs ITO (ITAT Chennai) Before us, the Chartered Accountant Shri Jeevarathinam categorically admitted in writing that the duplication of assets has happened while calculating the depreciation as per Income Tax Act while computing the tax computation sheet by his staff. He admitted that while doing so, the staff has wrongly computed the deprecation value […]
Vikas Jain Vs ITO (Delhi High Court) In view of the report of DDIT (Inv.) Unit-7(1) and 7(3) Mumbai, shared with the AO which suggests that the LTCG earned by the petitioner in AY 2014-15 was bogus and since, the said LTCG was claimed as exempt income, the AO at this stage, concluded that the […]
Shubhlakshmi Polysters Ltd. Vs C.C.E. (CESTAT Ahmedabad) CESTAT find that the adjudication authority in respect of disputed input services denied the credit without discussing the nature and use of the services in the Appellant’s factory. In order to find out the eligibility of a particular service as ‘input service’ under such definition, the nature and […]
Arsha Vijnana Trust Vs Central Board of Direct Taxes (Supreme Court of India) During the course of hearing, learned senior advocate appearing for the appellant states that he has instructions not to press the present appeal as the denial of grant of exemption/benefit under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 even if set […]
XYZ (Confidential) Vs Alphabet Inc. (Competition Commission of India) CCI imposes monetary penalty of Rs. 936.44 crore on Google for anti-competitive practices in relation to its Play Store policies The Competition Commission of India (CCI) today imposed a penalty of Rs. 936.44 crore on Google for abusing its dominant position with respect to its Play Store […]