Mangala A.G. Vs Union of India (Kerala High Court) Territorial jurisdiction of a Court in case of WFH would be where the official place of work was located and not the place of residence Conclusion: When a person was permitted to work from home merely as a concession or a convenience, place from where the […]
Considering the importance of pre dispute consultation and acting on the recommendation of TARC report government brought the concept of Pre show cause consultation before issuance of final show cause notice with the idea to reduce the burden of unnecessary litigation which will help both department and tax payer.
With April 1, begins the New Financial Year, Time to Move on with, ‘Sweet n Sour’ Learnings from Rear. Can’t Stop My Pen from Reminiscing, Of All what has happened with Assessments Completion-Time Nearing.
विकासशील देश हमेशा से पश्चिम देशों और चीन के कर्ज के बोझ तले दबे होते हैं और इसका फायदा अमरीका, चीन और युरोपीय देश इन विकासशील देशों की अर्थव्यवस्था पर कब्जा कर, उनकी राजनीतिक और सामाजिक नीति पर प्रभाव डाल अपनी उंगलियों पर नचाते है और ये विकासशील देश न कर्ज के जाल से उबर […]
Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana, a rural development programme, was launched in the year 2009-2010. The Scheme aims for the development of the villages which has at least 50% of the people belonging to the Schedule Caste. There is a vision to convert such villages into model villages. The objective and model village norms of […]
Charanjeet Singh Saini Vs Ispat India (Chhattisgarh High Court) Now referring back to the allegations and averments made in the complaint under Section 138 of Negotiable Instrument Act, though the petitioners have been described somewhere in the petition as Director in some petition for and on behalf of Saini Industries Limited would make it clear […]
Himani Walia Vs Hemant Walia & Ors (Delhi High Court) Delhi High Court held that family settlements are not required to be compulsorily registered, and stamp duty is not required to be compulsorily paid in respect of the same, when the settlement has been arrived at initially as an oral partition and is thereafter put […]
ITAT Mumbai rules in Anjan Shivraju Prakash vs. ITO case. Dispute over long-term capital gain on sale of car parking spaces. Details on judgment and impact.
Shakti Cotton Pvt. Ltd. Vs Commercial Tax Officer (Gujarat High Court) Proceedings under Section 44 of the GVAT Act are in the nature of garnishee proceedings, i.e. attachment of a debt by means of which judgment-creditor is enabled to reach the money due from the judgment-debtor, which is in the hands of a third person. […]
Mohit Singh L/H of Late Shri Balwant Singh Vs JCIT (ITAT Delhi) As pointed out on behalf of the assessee, an assessment under Section 143(3) r.w. Section 147 was completed in the instant case, wherein the Assessing Officer has not observed any repayment of loan in cash as alleged in the penalty order. On perusal […]