Q.1 How to validate digital signatures in e-Aadhaar? Ans. Computer must be connected to internet while validating digital signature. Right click on the ‘validity unknown’ icon and click on ‘Validate Signature’ You will get the signature validation status window, click on ‘Signature Properties’. Click on ‘Show Certificate.’ Verify that there is a certification path named […]
HID India Private Limited Vs Commissioner of GST & Central Excise (CESTAT Chennai) In this case refund of the unutilized cenvat credit was rejected holding that; firstly, the input services were received prior to obtaining the service tax registration from the Department; secondly, the invoices show the address of their Head office at Bangalore and […]
Appeal by Anantpur Kalpana against CIT(A) order on demonetized notes. Cash deposits treated as unexplained credits. Learn about double taxation issues
Ensure a smooth financial year closing with these 26 GST tasks for 2021-22. From compliance to reconciliation, we’ve got you covered.
Marina Enterprises Vs Commissioner, Customs, Central Goods & Service Tax and Central Excise (CESTAT Delhi) Admittedly the appellant have sold the goods in India after importing and have paid sales tax on the said goods. Admittedly, they are registered with the Sales Tax Department having TIN number and have charged sales tax in their sales […]
Neelam Hospital Vs ITO (ITAT Chandigarh) Admittedly and undisputedly, the assessee had filed the appeal before the NFAC beyond the period of limitation and there was a delay of 252 days in filing the appeal. However, it is also undisputed that the NFAC did not adjudicate the appeal of the assessee on merits but dismissed […]
New amendments under The Companies Act, 2013 (Commencing from April 01, 2021 to June 30, 2021). Articles discusses Amendments in Auditor’s Report, Amendments in definition of Small Company, Amendments related to One Person Company (OPC), Amendments in definition for the Listed companies, Amendments in Director’s Report And Amendments applicable to OPC and Small Company . […]
Delhi High Court ruling on Budweiser trademark infringement. Defendants restrained from using recycled Budweiser bottles for BLACK FORT and POWER COOL beers.
Learned PCIT has exceeded her jurisdiction in examining issues other than the issues which is subject matter of limited scrutiny assessment proceedings before the Assessing Officer.
वैश्विक उथल पुथल, बढ़ती जनसंख्या, मंहगाई, तेल के दाम, बेरोजगारी और सरकारी खर्च के बीच केन्द्र सरकार और राज्य सरकारों की पेट्रोल डीजल और गैस पर संग्रहित करों पर निर्भरता ने आम आदमी का जनजीवन हलाकान कर दिया है. राजस्व की वसूली सरकार द्वारा शास्ति, पेनल्टी, लेट फीस, ब्याज, आदि लगाकर जोर जबरदस्ती से करी […]